• Tarot decks

    The Unfolding Path Tarot

    Introduction You know that feeling you get when you find yourself completely immersed in a deck from the outset? That’s how I felt from my very first flip through of The Unfolding Path Tarot. I promise I will try not to gush too much as I share with you the reasons why. You may have to bear with me a little though. The Unfolding Path Tarot Cards The Unfolding Path Tarot celebrates a diverse range of modern characters. Athene Noctua represents various ages, nationalities, sexualities, abilities and body shapes in a way that doesn’t feel tokenistic. Instead you meet people you can bot connect with, and relate to, in some…

  • Tarot decks

    Superlunaris Tarot

    Okay, so let the gushing begin. This is an amazing deck that I connected with instantly. The artwork is incredible and you can feel the love and intention that went in to creating the Superlunaris Tarot. When I asked the cards to introduce themselves to me, their answer in part was, “I want to ground you in a sense of joy and personal freedom … I want to help you express yourself as who you are, just as I am an expression of my creators.” And oh how it succeeds. I reached out to the creators, Jess and Jacob and Jess’s response was so warm and full of joy and…