• Tarot Books

    Journaling the Tarot: Evolutions by Andy Matzner

    If you’ve spent much time on this site you will know, without a doubt, that I love tarot. If you’ve explored around a bit you’ll also know I’m a pretty big fan of journaling. So, when it came into my awareness that there was a book that combines the two I was pretty keen. Throw in a solid selection of quotes, my other weakness, and I’m a happy girl. Journaling the Tarot: Evolutions was always going to find its way on to my shelves. Inspired by the Waite-Smith tarot deck, Journaling the Tarot: Evolutions is a comprehensive book. Andy Matzner states that he “used every detail of Pamela’s artwork to…

  • Tarot articles

    How journaling can change your life

    I wrote an article about mindfulness and meditation called How to tap into the power of the present which you can access by clicking here. However, I really believe journaling can be a mindful practice as well because it also brings awareness to where you are now. Plus the benefits of meditation and journaling are very similar. Here’s a far from exhaustive list of the benefits of journaling: Journaling can: boost your mood enhance your sense of well being reduce symptoms of depression reduce intrusion and avoidance symptoms after trauma improve your working memory help you to accept your emotions help you to manage stress strengthen you immune system lower…

  • Tarot articles

    The Magician: Turn your dreams into reality

    We can see what we choose to see, create what we choose to create. Our capacity to do both is infinite. But first it’s important to consider whether what we think and feel about something or someone is an accurate reflection or tainted by hasty and/or ill-informed judgements. I really want to remember this. In a reading I did for myself yesterday, I realised how I had misread my upbringing and the purpose and gift behind it. Rather than going with it, I fought against it. Over the years I have acknowledged the many aspects that have had a positive impact on my life, but I railed against the greatest…