
  • Tarot decks

    The Wandering Star Tarot

    As the inside of The Wandering Star Tarot box reads, “There is a Universe inside you” and this deck wants to help you tap into it. I was fortunate enough to be gifted…

  • Tarot decks

    The Shadowland Tarot

    I don’t have many quirky decks. The Tarot of Curious Creatures, Nicoletta Ceccoli and Deviant Moon Tarot come to mind. But The Shadowland Tarot feels quite different. Even though Monica Bodirsky labels it…

  • Tarot decks

    Superlunaris Tarot

    Okay, so let the gushing begin. This is an amazing deck that I connected with instantly. The artwork is incredible and you can feel the love and intention that went in to creating…

  • Tarot decks

    The Sufi Tarot

    Deck creator Ayeda Husain writes, ‘The Sufi Tarot is my way of bringing together two traditions that I love,’ and I believe she’s done an incredible job. This transformative deck views, interprets, and…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot of Dreams

    Tarot of Dreams is my first Ciro Marchetti deck and I have to admit that the artwork doesn’t align with my general aesthetic. However, I also have to admit that it lives in…

  • Tarot decks

    Chrysalis Tarot

    Chrysalis Tarot is a storyteller’s deck that took three and a half years to create. The time and effort taken to create it shows. Others agree. In 2014 it was awarded the Tarosophist…

  • Oracle Decks

    Into the Lonely Woods

    This oracle is magical, kind, gentle, comforting and full of “oh wow that’s so beautiful” moments. Picking a favourite card is like trying to choose your favourite child/grandchild/pet. The artwork is stunning. Gentle…