Oracle Decks

  • Oracle Decks

    Into the Lonely Woods

    This oracle is magical, kind, gentle, comforting and full of “oh wow that’s so beautiful” moments. Picking a favourite card is like trying to choose your favourite child/grandchild/pet. The artwork is stunning. Gentle Creature, created by artist Dan May, is the perfect companion when “you feel isolated, distanced from loved ones or wish to embrace quiet, peaceful spaces within a noisy, hurried world.” Into the Lonely Woods encourages you to take time out to embrace solitude in order to meet and spend time with your true self. Looking through these cards makes the idea all the more appealing. Into the Lonely Woods Cards Into the Lonely Woods is a 45…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Wild Unknown Alchemy Deck

    The Wild Unknown Alchemy Deck is the fourth and final instalment in The Wild Unknown series which also includes The Wild Unknown Tarot, The Wild Unknown Archetypes, and The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit. Like the others, this deck is distinctly Kim Krans. It may seem that to create four decks with a very similar aesthetic would make some cards feel redundant. That isn’t the case. Each deck has its own approach and whether used together or individually, they encourage an in depth exploration of any situation. Some decks I own are beautiful and I feel connected to them. Nevertheless, they could be interchanged with others in my collection. That’s not…

  • Oracle Decks

    Believe In Your Own Magic Oracle

    The intention behind Believe In Your Own Magic Oracle is to provide “you with daily messages of empowerment whenever you’re in need of some inspiration or validation.” However, I feel the power of this deck is that it encourages us to change our perception of how we think we should be and act. In order to own our self worth we need to be truly honest with ourselves. Though at times harsh, this Oracle supports this practice. The Believe In Your Own Magic Oracle Cards If you’ve been with me for a while you’ll know that I’m all about writing, editing and re-writing your own story (not just figuratively either).…

  • Oracle Decks

    Everyday Witch Oracle

    I bought the Everyday Witch Oracle because I really like reading with the Everyday Witch Tarot and lately I have a bit of a thing about “sets”. If that wasn’t the case I probably wouldn’t have bought this deck and I would have missed out on adding a great oracle to my collection. I don’t identify as a witch though and maybe that was part of my initial resistance. The back of the box begins, ‘Improve your craft with magic cats, pointed hats and spell work galore.’ and whilst it fits with the whole vibe of the deck I don’t connect with the blurb. Yet there is nothing off putting…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Rose Oracle

    I saw The Grandmothers card on You Tube and, quite unexpectedly, it connected me with an aspect of myself I had buried. It’s The Rose Oracle that urged me to connect with the Divine Feminine. Prior to reading the companion book I had no idea why. The second verse of the Rose Oracle Attunement, that comes printed both on a card and within the guidebook, explains the intention behind The Rose Oracle and helped me recognise why it called to me so strongly. It aligns with my personal intention. ‘May it be a gateway for all to return to ourselves, the Earth, and each other. May our connection with the…

  • Oracle Decks

    Goddess Dream Oracle

    The Goddess Dream Oracle is a beautiful deck that aims to reconnect you with your intuition and who you really are. The imagery is soothing, gentle, powerful and inviting. It is a world I want to step into; a mindset available to us all. The Goddess appears in all Her forms. Here she is presented as ‘maiden of creativity, mother of love and crone of sacred wisdom.’ The Goddess Dream Oracle Deck The cards pictured above highlight the animals that feature prominently in this deck. They are all beautifully rendered and as such speak directly to you. You can feel them and their energy and therefore their messages are clear.…

  • Oracle Decks

    Crystal Medicine Oracle

    This shamanistic oracle is always on point. The wisdom the Crystal Medicine Oracle contains and the guidance it offers has always served to support or confirm my inner knowing. This is very much in keeping with the intention of the deck. The Crystal Medicine Oracle Deck The Crystal Medicine Oracle is a 33 card round oracle designed to connect you with you inner wisdom. It is filled with a loving essence that really does touch your heart. You feel the love that went into creating it. When I revisited the book today and read the opening line, ‘These cards are a gift from my heart to yours; they have been…

  • Oracle Decks

    Earth Warriors Oracle

    The Earth Warriors Oracle encourages and supports those who wish to work with the collective consciousness. It aims to help “you tap into your creativity, courage and optimism so you can fulfil your Sacred purpose and make real and positive differences in your life and for the greatest good in our world.” Seems like a big aim but put simply, this deck asks us to open our hearts and minds and then take action on what we discover. And it urges us to heal ourselves. If we do that we are well and truly on our way to fulfil its ambitions. For those who take a multi-disciplinary approach, embracing spirituality,…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit

    The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit cards can be used in conjunction with the Wild Unknown Tarot or as a stand alone oracle deck. Kim Krans doesn’t stray from her usual detailed-ink-drawings-with-pops-of-colour style and yet even after creating three decks, each card is unique. If you like animal decks or either of the other two offerings in this series, then I’m confident you’ll appreciate this one. It encourages “an exploration of our inner contradictions, our complex natures, and the endless mystery of who we are.” The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit is a 63 card, elementally-based animal oracle deck (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Ether). Earth, Air,…

  • Oracle Decks,  Tarot decks

    The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck

    If you really connect with the Animal Kingdom or you’d really like to work with Spirit Animals and Animal Totems then The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck Special Deluxe Box, which includes a full tarot deck plus 71, yes 71, animal oracle cards is well worth considering. It’s a well thought out and very generous set that can be used in so many ways. The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck In a collection that includes 149 cards it’s hard to know where to begin. I’ve decided to simplify the process by beginning with the Tarot and then moving on to the Oracle. Yet, as I say that, I…