Oracle Decks

  • Oracle Decks

    Sacred Earth Oracle

    The Sacred Earth Oracle encourages you to consciously connect to the wisdom of Mother Earth. It serves as a reminder that we are a part of the Earth and not separate from it despite what our modern day way of life may suggest. If we take the time to observe our surroundings, spending time in Nature can teach us so much about ourselves, our lives and the world around us. The natural world can show us how to live a more harmonious and connected life. This deck aims to facilitate the process. The Sacred Earth Oracle Deck The Sacred Earth Oracle is a collaborative effort between three creators, Toni Carmine…

  • Oracle Decks

    Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle

    The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is the oracle deck that aligns with the Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot and I feel they really do complement each other. And as with the tarot deck, a portion of each sale goes to The Bee Conservancy organisation. The creator, Kelly Burton, invites you to “Dive into a journey through the elements of fire, water, air, earth, and aether (Spirit) with the bees as your Spirit guides.” It’s a colourful trip. The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle Deck The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is a colourful collage deck that utilises elemental energies to share its messages. As someone…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Sacred Creators Oracle

    I’m surprised it took me this long to come to this deck. As a creative who loves words it’s a perfect match. Fortunately I discovered it by chance on You Tube but to be honest, initially it was the accompanying book that caught my attention. I didn’t realise when I bought The Sacred Creators Oracle for myself that the book I saw only came with the Kickstarter version. So, I was a tad disappointed. After an unsuccessful search online I returned to my deck and discovered I shouldn’t have been so impatient. If I’d just pulled my cards out of the box before I reacted, I would have discovered the…

  • Oracle Decks

    Animal Kin Oracle

    From the moment I saw the Animal Kin Oracle deck I was drawn into its beautiful imagery. It feels peaceful and soothing which encourages you to tap into your intuition with confidence. Animals don’t overthink things, and when working intuitively neither should we. I would say that just as the creator envisioned, this collection of watercolour animal portraits can help reconnect people with the natural world. Today I worked with this deck alongside the Guardian Tarot and I can honestly say together they have changed my focus. The Animal Kin Oracle Deck This is a well-produced, 65 card, oracle deck that is perfect for anyone drawn to animal-themed cards. It…

  • Oracle Decks

    Angels and Ancestors Oracle

    The Angels and Ancestors Oracle packaging claims that it incorporates Celtic, Native American, Aboriginal and Earth-based Spiritualities in an attempt to cross any divide between cultures. However, I believe aligning with the message you discover inside the box once the cards are removed, which reads: I set the intention that whatever is gained from the lessons learned from this tool will be dedicated to the growth of all beings in all places is a positive way forward that can connect everyone. I am really drawn to ancestral work of late. Currently, I am slowly working my way through Ancestral Tarot by Nancy Hendrickson. If you’re interested in doing the same,…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Universe Has Your Back

    The Universe Has Your Back is a 52 card message deck designed to help you open up to the power of the Universe. Since I’m a lettering geek and I love words The Universe Has Your Back seemed like a perfect match for me. But as my main focus is tarot they have sat around for a while. To be honest at first I found them a bit syrupy, and potentially a little disempowering. However, recently I pulled them out to accompany a reading and found they added a depth to my interpretation. This helped me to connect with them and to understand them more. When I considered the tarot…

  • Oracle Decks

    Chakra Wisdom Oracle

    Short fables uncovered through angelic encounters are combined with the colours of the chakras to produce the Chakra Wisdom Oracle. The philosophy driving this oracle is “enlightenment made simple,” and I feel it most definitely meets its brief. It’s easy to use and beautiful to look at without compromising its integrity. As can be seen by the cards pictured below, there’s a good balance between “things are great” type messages and “you need to take note of this” directives. Even though it was published in 2014 it is only a new addition to my collection, albeit one I’m really glad to have added. The Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck As the…

  • Oracle Decks

    Sacred Rebels Oracle

    I love the borderless design of this stunning oracle deck that’s dedicated to people “ready to celebrate and nurture their individuality.” The Sacred Rebels Oracle aligns perfectly with why I do the work I do. This oracle set encourages you to question, to dream, and to believe. It definitely comes from a beautiful heart space and it’s sure to inspire anyone drawn to its incredible artwork. The Sacred Rebels Oracle Deck This 45 card Oracle deck comes in a high quality two-part box. Inside the quality continues. I love the artwork. The colour palette is muted yet still full of life. Some cards, like the ones pictured above, are predominantly…

  • Oracle Decks

    Rumi Oracle

    It’s probably unsurprising that the Rumi Oracle is inspired by the 13th century Persian poet and Sufi mystic Rumi. I first became interested in Rumi’s work when I came across a quote attributed to him: Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Rumi It was just what I needed to see at the time and it led me in search of more of his writings. I soon bought a collection of his poetry, The Essential Rumi, and a love affair began. I’m not going to pretend every poem spoke to me. And, I’m not going to pretend I understood them all. What I can…

  • Oracle Decks

    Messenger Oracle

    When I work with oracle cards as part of my readings, I like them to match in with the Tarot deck I’m using. So, when I saw the new edition of the Messenger Oracle it seemed like a great fit for the Dreams of Gaia Tarot, and it is. There’s definitely a huge overlap between the two decks. The dragons and the Gaian influence are definitely there as is a familiarity with the art style overall. There are some definite new additions too. For instance, several close up animal cards, which I love, and two pastel coloured fairies are part of this deck. The Messenger Oracle Deck This new edition…