Tarot decks

  • Tarot decks

    The Wandering Moon Tarot

    I first saw this minimalistic black and white deck whilst watching Scorched Earth Tarot on YouTube. Having seen only a few cards, I paused the video and went in search of it. I…

  • Tarot decks

    African Tarot

    The African Tarot is a colourful, unintimidating deck. It encourages you to embrace the present so as to empower you to overcome any obstacles you may face on your path to self-fulfilment. This…

  • Tarot decks

    Black Cats Tarot

    If you like cats and you’re happy for them to be anthropomorphised then there’s a good chance you’ll like the Black Cats Tarot. If like me, you really like black cats, then you’ll…

  • Tarot decks

    The Everyday Enchantment Tarot

    The Everyday Enchantment Tarot was designed with three main intentions. Firstly, to create a deck that a modern audience could find more accessible. Secondly, to connect people with the everyday magic available to…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot of the Sidhe

    The Tarot of the Sidhe is a very present deck. It helps you to see and to connect with the source of your thoughts and emotions and to understand how you’re bringing them…

  • Tarot decks

    Healing Light Tarot

    The Healing Light Tarot is a striking deck that aims to facilitate healing and a sense of wholeness. It draws its inspiration from the Ancient Celtic belief that the veil between worlds is…

  • Tarot decks

    The Green Witch Tarot

    I have had this beautiful, gentle and nurturing deck for a while. Lately I’ve been drawn to work more closely with it. The Green Witch Tarot is one of the decks I recommend…

  • Tarot decks

    Bonefire Tarot

    Yesterday as I sat at the beach watching the waves rolling in and contemplating my future direction and goals, “Bonefire” kept popping into my head. Today it did the same. I had no…

  • Tarot decks

    The Tarot of Trees

    The Tarot of Trees is promoted as an “80-card colourful and whimsical tarot deck that features classical tarot symbolism through the theme of trees.” And, that it is. But to me, it is…