How to make an informed choice
Oftentimes when we try to make a choice we go round and round in circles without actually thinking things through. We contemplate “what ifs” but often only of the negative variety. Or we spend time worrying about making the wrong decision. There is another way.
You can use this approach when weighing up a decision or when trying to choose between multiple options. For multiple options just repeat the process for each.
What factors should I consider when making a choice?
When some people think of tarot cards, fortune-telling comes to mind. But, tarot cards can offer so much more. For example, I asked the cards what factors I should consider when making a choice and below is what they presented me with.
It’s possible to work through these steps in your head. However personally, I found the best approach, because it makes you more accountable for the answers you come up with, was to write my responses down. Often, the act of writing speeds the process because any irrational thoughts and/or excuses stand out pretty quickly when they’re staring back at you on the page. So, onto the questions the cards suggested I consider.
The questions
- Think about what it is that appeals to you about the choice. How do you really feel about it? Will it fill your “cup” or drain your “cup”? (Ideas to consider in regards to your cup are your energy, your time, and your emotional and mental wellbeing)
- What does success look like? What would a favourable outcome for your choice look like? Do you like that picture? Does it give you what you want or is it not what you imagined now that you’ve thought about it in this way? Is what you imagine viable? Are you comfortable with what you would have to do to achieve success?
- What changes would you have to make? Are you prepared to make the necessary changes? What ongoing impacts would the choice have on your life? Are your choices reversible?

Wrapping it all up
By the end of this process I found I had a more balanced indication of the factors related to my decision and I felt better equipped to make an informed decision. Hopefully as well, for those of you without experience of working with tarot, in reading this article, you will see the cards in a new way. The cards pictured above show what prompted these suggestions. These cards were drawn randomly in answer to the question, “What factors do I need to consider when making a choice?”
If you would like to know more about tarot or feel you would benefit from some personalised guidance to help you to see things from a different perspective you may like to book a consult with me. If you would like to know more you can contact me by clicking on the contact me link below. Or if you are interested in why I work with tarot, I have posted a link to an article about that at the end of this post as well.
I’d love to here what you think about the process. Is there anything you’d like to add or change? Or, if you tried it, how did you find it?
Publishing details for the featured deck
The pictured deck is the Gregory Scott Tarot, published by Lo Scarabeo in 2020. It is probably no surprise to discover that it was created by Gregory Scott.

What is the name of the tarot deck at the top of this article?
Hi Teresa, It’s the Gregory Scott Tarot. If you want to see more about it I have done a review that you can find here: https://mjstarot.com/gregory-scott-tarot/