• Oracle Decks

    The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit

    The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit cards can be used in conjunction with the Wild Unknown Tarot or as a stand alone oracle deck. Kim Krans doesn’t stray from her usual detailed-ink-drawings-with-pops-of-colour style and yet even after creating three decks, each card is unique. If you like animal decks or either of the other two offerings in this series, then I’m confident you’ll appreciate this one. It encourages “an exploration of our inner contradictions, our complex natures, and the endless mystery of who we are.” The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit is a 63 card, elementally-based animal oracle deck (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Ether). Earth, Air,…

  • Oracle Decks,  Tarot decks

    The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck

    If you really connect with the Animal Kingdom or you’d really like to work with Spirit Animals and Animal Totems then The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck Special Deluxe Box, which includes a full tarot deck plus 71, yes 71, animal oracle cards is well worth considering. It’s a well thought out and very generous set that can be used in so many ways. The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck In a collection that includes 149 cards it’s hard to know where to begin. I’ve decided to simplify the process by beginning with the Tarot and then moving on to the Oracle. Yet, as I say that, I…

  • Oracle Decks

    Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle

    The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is the oracle deck that aligns with the Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot and I feel they really do complement each other. And as with the tarot deck, a portion of each sale goes to The Bee Conservancy organisation. The creator, Kelly Burton, invites you to “Dive into a journey through the elements of fire, water, air, earth, and aether (Spirit) with the bees as your Spirit guides.” It’s a colourful trip. The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle Deck The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is a colourful collage deck that utilises elemental energies to share its messages. As someone…

  • Tarot decks

    Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot

    If you’re looking for a deck to help keep you on track and moving forward in your own truth then Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot could be the deck you have been looking for. This deck and the the matching oracle, Wisdom of the Sacred Bee, are independently published by Kelly Burton from Sacred Soul Productions, but fortunately they were published this year (2021), so they’re easy to source. I was excited as soon as I discovered the existence of Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot because I’ve had a strong affinity with bees for a long time now and no, not just because of their association with my…

  • Tarot decks

    Oriens Animal Tarot

    This animal themed deck is completely different to any of the others I own – and I own a few. Without including oracle decks seven come to mind, (Animals Divine Tarot, Animal Totem Tarot, Animal Wisdom Tarot, Ark Animal Tarot, Black Cats Tarot, Crow Tarot and Spiritsong Tarot). Largely because the animals are presented in celestial settings, the Oriens Animal Tarot is much darker in colouring for one. I’ve heard some people say the combination makes the animals hard to see. I don’t find that to be the case. Rather, unless inappropriate for the card’s message, I find the animals pop clearly and with good lighting they really come to…

  • Oracle Decks

    Animal Kin Oracle

    From the moment I saw the Animal Kin Oracle deck I was drawn into its beautiful imagery. It feels peaceful and soothing which encourages you to tap into your intuition with confidence. Animals don’t overthink things, and when working intuitively neither should we. I would say that just as the creator envisioned, this collection of watercolour animal portraits can help reconnect people with the natural world. Today I worked with this deck alongside the Guardian Tarot and I can honestly say together they have changed my focus. The Animal Kin Oracle Deck This is a well-produced, 65 card, oracle deck that is perfect for anyone drawn to animal-themed cards. It…

  • Tarot decks

    Crow Tarot

    The Crow Tarot infuses art designed to pay homage to crows and ravens with familiar Rider Waite meanings. The aim was to create a tool that aids and encourages self discovery and I believe this deck succeeds in this. Since people don’t feature directly on the cards you can really focus on the scene and what’s happening rather than getting caught up in who you’re looking at. The Crow Tarot Deck These digitally collaged cards use crows to tell their story so I wasn’t surprised to learn that they’ve developed a significant following among crow-lovers. The images association with the Rider Waite deck is readily apparent. Yet the presence of…

  • Tarot decks

    Spiritsong Tarot

    The Spiritsong Tarot is an entirely animal-based Tarot deck. There’s not a person to be found and yet these are very approachable cards that I find easy to read intuitively. To be honest, I wasn’t sure that would be the case when I bought them, so I was pleasantly surprised. The Spiritsong Tarot melds the idea of animals as spiritual helpers with the tarot system. The choices made for each card merges “each animals unique power with classic tarot practices.” These choices are then rendered in detailed, watercolour images that are beautiful to look at. The colour palette is soft and muted and yet still quite alive. They really are…

  • Oracle Decks

    Spirit Animal Oracle

    Straight up, the Spirit Animal Oracle is a beautiful deck. The backgrounds are just as stunning as the rendering of the animals. But I do have to admit that I am not a fan of the animals wearing crowns. I can't derive any purpose for the Owl Spirit's gaudy gold crown.