• Tarot decks

    Cozy Witch Tarot

    I pre-judged the Cozy Witch Tarot and in so doing I did myself and the deck a disservice. I have Amanda Lovelace’s Believe in Your Own Magic Oracle and I found a lot to love about it so I should have taken that into account. But, I didn’t. Instead, I saw the keywords and questioned whether the deck was for me. Generally I see keywords on tarot cards as distractions that can limit the meanings of the card. How wrong my assumption has proven to be. My eye is naturally drawn to the artwork and when it does wander down to read the words beneath the title I find I…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot for the Great Outdoors

    If you love outdoor recreational activities and tarot then this deck provides a wonderful way to bring the two together. Creator, JQ Gordon says the Tarot for the Great Outdoors encourages you to, “explore your inner potential and the outdoors with the beauty, mystery and joy of tarot” and she’s right. This deck urged me to get up from my desk and head outside. Not many things motivate me to do that lately. Yet bushwalking, kayaking, camping and just generally sitting out in nature had been such an important part of my life. I wrote a personal essay about why which you can read by clicking here if you’re curious.…

  • Tarot decks

    Out of Hand Tarot

    Jamie Sawyer’s goal in creating the Out of Hand Tarot is to show “that you forge new and deeper relationships with the tarot by seeing how it can relate to your personal experience.” I believe she succeeded. The guide book opens, “Things in life have a tendency to get “Out of Hand”. This deck showcases moments in which we live and experience the tarot.” She goes on to add that the Out of Hand Tarot aims to show “how we live the tarot in even some of the smallest moments.” By the end of this post I am pretty sure you will agree that is exactly what this deck achieves.…

  • Tarot decks

    Erenberg Tarot

    Tarot seeks to show us a different way of looking at things. The Erenberg Tarot shows us a different way of looking at tarot. Tarot of the Hidden Realm and the Morgan Greer Tarot put us more up close an personal than most decks. But to compare them to the Erenberg Tarot‘s up close and personal approach is like comparing photos of a full moon taken on my phone with those taken with a telephoto lens. Now this is all great but why do this? Why? Well firstly because it’s different and that in itself is great. It’s refreshing; it’s interesting and it’s exciting. Secondly, it allows you to hone…

  • Tarot decks

    The Sacred She Tarot

    Introduction The Sacred She Tarot is Ma Deva Padma’s second tarot deck. Her first was the Osho Zen Tarot. If you are familiar with, and like the eclectic mix of art styles in that deck, then you are bound to like the artwork in this one. Two things drew me to this deck: the 1 Roots card pictured below and the title. To be honest, it wasn’t a lot to justify pre-ordering a deck. But, when I opened the book and read Ma Deva Padma’s motivation for creating the cards, the urge made sense. She wrote, “I began the art for this deck in the hopes that it would serve…

  • Tarot decks

    New Era Elements Tarot

    I don’t think I’ve ever said, “I’m after a modern deck that combines animals, high tech transportation, nature scenes and people with some deeply confronting imagery.” Yet, here it is and wow. The New Era Elements Tarot has had a profound impact on me. It’s a deck that demands accountability and it turned out to be just what I needed when I revisited it this week. Creator Eleonore F Pieper wrote that she wanted to, “Create a deck that would be respectful of the tarot tradition, but that would allow readers to tap into a modern and global experience.” What she didn’t mention is that she has created a deck…

  • Tarot decks

    The Unfolding Path Tarot

    Introduction You know that feeling you get when you find yourself completely immersed in a deck from the outset? That’s how I felt from my very first flip through of The Unfolding Path Tarot. I promise I will try not to gush too much as I share with you the reasons why. You may have to bear with me a little though. The Unfolding Path Tarot Cards The Unfolding Path Tarot celebrates a diverse range of modern characters. Athene Noctua represents various ages, nationalities, sexualities, abilities and body shapes in a way that doesn’t feel tokenistic. Instead you meet people you can bot connect with, and relate to, in some…

  • Oracle Decks

    Manifesting Your Greatness

    Manifesting Your Greatness is a simple, straight to the point oracle deck. Just the type of deck you want when your life, your mind, or your emotions are anything but. It’s stylised art is bright, busy without being overwhelming, whimsical, and fun. When I pull this deck off my shelf and open it up, it feels, and presents like, a little treasure trove of well-placed advice. Manifesting Your Greatness Cards Manifesting Your Greatness offers 46 cards which is similar to several of the other oracle decks in my collection. However, since I really enjoy the characters and their fresh no nonsense approach, I would like to have heard more of…

  • Tarot decks

    Crystal Skull Tarot

    Introduction While flicking through Facebook, I came across the Crystal Skull Tarot quite by chance. It was being sold cheaply on one of the Tarot Buy, Swap and Sell pages and my curiosity got the better of me. After a quick bit of research I discovered it was originally a Kickstarter deck and that the accompanying book was written by Rachel Pollack. Due to shipping costs, living in Australia makes backing Kickstarter decks very expensive so I feel very fortunate to have come across this deck. However, it might not be for everyone. The other morning, I had the Crystal Skull Tarot all laid out on my desk when my…

  • Tarot decks

    Voyager Tarot

    Introduction Before purchasing The Voyager Tarot I had only ever worked with oracle cards. The Moon Oracle was my introduction to divinatory decks. Now I realise that neither of these are typical first decks but twenty-five years ago I didn’t. I had no idea what I was doing. So, when one day during a conversation with one of my massage clients she told me about an amazing reading she’d had using the Voyager Tarot I was curious. In those days she, and her husband, were the only people I opened up to about my “other” life, so, with no other idea about where to start, the Voyager Tarot became my…