• Tarot decks

    Tarot of the Sidhe

    The Tarot of the Sidhe is a very present deck. It helps you to see and to connect with the source of your thoughts and emotions and to understand how you’re bringing them…

  • Tarot decks

    Healing Light Tarot

    The Healing Light Tarot is a striking deck that aims to facilitate healing and a sense of wholeness. It draws its inspiration from the Ancient Celtic belief that the veil between worlds is…

  • Tarot decks

    The Green Witch Tarot

    I have had this beautiful, gentle and nurturing deck for a while. Lately I’ve been drawn to work more closely with it. The Green Witch Tarot is one of the decks I recommend…

  • Tarot decks

    Bonefire Tarot

    Yesterday as I sat at the beach watching the waves rolling in and contemplating my future direction and goals, “Bonefire” kept popping into my head. Today it did the same. I had no…

  • Oracle Decks

    Sacred Earth Oracle

    The Sacred Earth Oracle encourages you to consciously connect to the wisdom of Mother Earth. It serves as a reminder that we are a part of the Earth and not separate from it…

  • Tarot decks

    The Muse Tarot

    As it’s name suggests The Muse Tarot aims to connect you with your Muse in order to spark and inspire creativity. It’s also a reminder that creative endeavours open up this connection. Above…

  • Tarot decks

    Oriens Animal Tarot

    This animal themed deck is completely different to any of the others I own – and I own a few. Without including oracle decks seven come to mind, (Animals Divine Tarot, Animal Totem…

  • Tarot decks

    Runic Tarot

    As the name suggests, the Runic Tarot combines runes with tarot. Whilst it’s true that many decks incorporate runes, (Haindl Tarot, Pearls of Wisdom, and Light Seers Tarot to name just a few),…