• Oracle Decks

    Sacred Earth Oracle

    The Sacred Earth Oracle encourages you to consciously connect to the wisdom of Mother Earth. It serves as a reminder that we are a part of the Earth and not separate from it…

  • Tarot decks

    The Tarot of Trees

    The Tarot of Trees is promoted as an “80-card colourful and whimsical tarot deck that features classical tarot symbolism through the theme of trees.” And, that it is. But to me, it is…

  • Tarot decks

    Guardian Tarot

    This deck, wow, I don’t know where, or how, to begin. I first saw the Guardian Tarot on You Tube and I thought hmmm creepy. But, I couldn’t stop looking at it. I…

  • Tarot decks

    Robin Wood Tarot

    For those who like nature inspired decks rich in Pagan symbolism that are super easy to read and nice to look at, then the Robin Wood Tarot may well be for you. This…

  • Tarot decks

    The Sacred Rose Tarot

    The Sacred Rose Tarot is “inspired by the artistry of medieval stained glass windows” and Byzantine artwork with the symbolism in the cards being nature oriented. The book says that the masculine attributes…

  • Tarot decks

    Gaian Tarot

    The Gaian Tarot is a contemporary Earth-based tarot deck that focuses on “the healing of the Earth and of the self.” Some cards feature people, some creatures, and many combine both. The people…

  • Tarot decks

    Universal Celtic Tarot

    The Universal Celtic Tarot encourages you to tap into the ancient Celtic wisdom that celebrates Nature. It wants you to recognise and rekindle the connections that may have been forgotten, ignored, or dismissed…