The Fool
What do you want to say to The Fool as you see him approach the edge of the cliff? Do you think he’s going to crash and burn or is this like one of those Instagram photos where the person hanging from the edge of the cliff is only 10cm from the ground? Maybe the height of the Fool’s cliff is just an illusion too. A clever one, but an illusion just the same. He looks pretty carefree to me. Yes he might stumble and trip, but would that be the worst thing in the world? Or should staying stuck through fear be seen as a much worse proposition?
Tarot of Mystical Moments
The Mystical Moments rendition of The Fool does suggest there is the potential for danger. Or does it? Is the danger in focusing on the bright yellow flower rather than the call to adventure? Yes she’s heading towards a crocodile but notice this crocodile is in a garden, not hiding submerged in the water waiting to ambush the unaware. Besides, crocodiles are pretty cool.
A quick bit of research shows that the crocodiles we know today became their own species 55 million years ago. So, rather than the symbolism of Ancient knowledge associated with crocodiles sounding like some form of New Age phooey, it’s actually a reasonable association to make. You don’t have to believe in any particular spiritual practice. You just have to be willing and open to explore.
What “journeys” would you embark upon if you weren’t worried about how others may perceive you?
The Wandering Moon Tarot and The Light Seer’s Tarot

The Fool of both The Wandering Moon Tarot and The Light Seer’s Tarot suggest the idea of trusting the water will catch you. Taking the plunge and trusting in our intuition to guide us. How would it feel to just let go and trust? Does the idea feel exhilarating? Or does it feel paralysing?
I’m scared of heights so just getting near the edge is petrifying to me but I have to wonder how often that fear has been a metaphor for my life. I see the Wandering Moon Fool and I see freedom. But, would I allow myself that same freedom? The Light Seer’s Fool suggests a complete willingness to surrender, to let go of control. What would it feel like to take the plunge trusting in your intuition to guide you? Incredible or out of control?
Do we ever really have the control over things that we think we do though? Or is that belief the true foolishness? As a self-confessed control freak of old I used to think I could control everything by the sheer force of my will. As I have become older I realise the folly in that belief. Now if pressed, the only thing I believe I can potentially have control over is my own mind. It often has other ideas but that’s a whole other tarot card.
Put simply, The Fool doesn’t worry about how others may perceive him. The loudest voice The Fool hears is the call from within. He urges us to listen to our own inner callings too. Sometimes you just have to trust and take a leap of faith in yourself, the Universe, and those that really care for you.
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