Oracle Decks

  • Oracle Decks

    Wild Woman Oracle

    The creation of the Wild Woman Oracle was a deeply personal process for Cheyenne Zarate. Like happens with many of us, she had “lost touch with her authenticity which in turn resulted in low self esteem, poor boundaries and people-pleasing tendencies.” Some recent experiences in my own life brought up some resentment about this exact same thing. Fortunately, like any good “Tower” moment, some good, actually a lot of good, came out of it for me, as it did for Cheyenne. I have owned this deck for a little while but until now I hadn’t overly felt called to work with it. This surprised me because a previous experience had…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Witch’s Familiar Runic Oracle

    Introduction Three things drew me to The Witch’s Familiar Runic Oracle: I wanted to learn more about runes, I liked the concept of combining animal familiars with runes, and I liked working with The Unfolding Path Tarot which is also by Athene Noctua. These three things combined led to me pre-ordering the mass market edition as soon as I saw it listed. Unfortunately it arrived a week before my daughter’s wedding. So with all the last minute rushing around associated with that, I put The Witch’s Familiar Runic Oracle on the shelf and largely forgot about it until recently. Don’t get me wrong, I had flicked through it and on…

  • Oracle Decks

    Oracle of the Birds

    I pre-ordered the Oracle of the Birds five months before its release date. So, yes, I was pretty keen for this deck. Why? Because I have a strong affinity with birds. I love watching them go about their day and I am fortunate enough to have abundant bird life around my house. As I’ve been sitting here preparing to write this I’ve seen a magpie, a rainbow lorikeet, a wattle bird and a noisy minor all in the area outside my office window. I see birds as messengers and so this deck provided the perfect combination. The Oracle of the Birds Cards Firstly, let me say that these cards are…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Story Oracle

    The Story Oracle was not designed to be an oracle deck in the usual sense. Rather, these 78 cards were created to help writers craft their stories. However, having seen this deck on Lisa Papez’s You Tube channel, I was drawn to it for its potential as an oracle. As someone who uses tarot cards as writing prompts it may seem strange to see it this way but I cannot imagine using this deck to help me write. However, as a tool to help me uncover and craft my own life story I think it works well. Little disclaimer though, I generally don’t write fiction so that may be why…

  • Oracle Decks

    Divine Doors

    I bought Divine Doors simply because I like doors and since it isn’t an expensive deck I didn’t feel guilty about indulging my fancy. Rather than an oracle these cards remind me of a fortune cookie. I don’t mean that in a disparaging way. Quite the opposite. I believe you’ll find their insights run much deeper than you may expect. Each card features a picture of a door on one side with a few lines of poetic inspiration on the other. To be honest I had semi forgotten about these cards until my grandson grabbed them off the shelf and started to use them like a telephone. It seems he…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Tree of Life Oracle

    The Tree of Life Oracle combines stunning watercolour artwork, myths and legends, symbology, and colour to share meaning. Together it works so well. From the opening pages, creator David Wells non-judgemental approach and conversational tone creates a welcoming vibe. He acknowledges that people come to oracle cards for many different reasons and with many different intentions. You can use it purely as an oracle, as a launch pad into the study of Qabalah, or at a level somewhere in between. The choice is yours. The Tree of Life Oracle Cards The Tree of Life Oracle has 44 cards. These are divided into three sections. Firstly, is the section of the…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Herbal Astrology Oracle

    The Herbal Astrology Oracle is a very recent addition to my oracle card collection. I added it because I feel more and more drawn to explore the many ways plants can help us heal. This started with The Herbcrafter’s Tarot and continues with The Herbal Astrology Oracle. Each has something unique to offer. Adriana Ayales created this deck “to bring us back to the original consciousness that prevailed on earth for millennia.” She then goes on to write, “Herbalism is the medicine of belonging, a gateway through which we keep alive a very sacred aspect to our source.” Josephine Klerks’ stunning artwork encourages these connections. The Herbal Astrology Oracle Cards…

  • Oracle Decks

    Manifesting Your Greatness

    Manifesting Your Greatness is a simple, straight to the point oracle deck. Just the type of deck you want when your life, your mind, or your emotions are anything but. It’s stylised art is bright, busy without being overwhelming, whimsical, and fun. When I pull this deck off my shelf and open it up, it feels, and presents like, a little treasure trove of well-placed advice. Manifesting Your Greatness Cards Manifesting Your Greatness offers 46 cards which is similar to several of the other oracle decks in my collection. However, since I really enjoy the characters and their fresh no nonsense approach, I would like to have heard more of…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Earthcraft Oracle

    The Earthcraft Oracle is a pretty, pretty deck. It feels condescending to write that because it is much more than its appearance. But, when I look at the cards that is the first thing that comes to mind. I love the artwork. If my artistic abilities were better this is the type of artwork I would create. So much so that it has inspired me to draw again. But more on that later. This is a brightly coloured, inclusive, nature-inspired deck that can be used in so many ways. Above all else though, for me, this deck is all about connection – connection to the Earth, connection to the world…

  • Oracle Decks

    Oracle of the Radiant Sun

    Having seen Oracle of the Radiant Sun on several occasions I became more and more curious about it. However, I can’t say it appealed to me. Eventually, for reasons I can’t entirely explain, I decided to purchase it anyway. The fact that The Moon Oracle, also by Caroline Smith and John Astrop, was one of my earliest decks gave me the final nudge. Unfortunately though, when it arrived and I had the chance to flick through it, I did so without any great enthusiasm. In fact I found myself thinking about options I could have added to my collection instead. In an attempt to change that I decided the Oracle…