
  • Spreads

    A tarot spread for those dealing with Imposter Syndrome

    What is Imposter Syndrome? The term Imposter Syndrome was first used by psychologists Suzanna Imes and Pauline Rose Clance in 1978. Whilst not a diagnosable condition, it can be a challenging psychological phenomenon that can unfortunately become self-fulfilling. That’s why it is well worth addressing. Ironically, it is usually highly accomplished people that suffer. Psychology Today states that up to 25-30% of high achievers may suffer with 70% of adults experiencing feelings of Imposter Syndrome at least once in their life. Web MD puts that figure as high as 82% of people. Martin R Huecker et al define Imposter Syndrome as: A behavioural health phenomenon described as self doubt of…

  • Spreads

    Getting to know your deck: Deck Interview Spread

    As part of my deck review process I always conduct a deck interview. For this I use a 9-card spread laid out in a diamond pattern. I find this shape works well because it provides multiple pathways and connections. If that doesn’t make sense, don’t worry, I’ll explain what I mean soon. Before I go on though, I do want to point out that no, I don’t believe that just because I have a “type of readings” position that I can only use the deck for the type of reading suggested. Not at all. But what I have found is decks that I initially considered in one way, have proven…

  • Spreads

    Overcome a fear-based block with this tarot spread

    Background Before I launch into it, I thought I’d give you a bit of background as to how I found myself doing a tarot spread that I believe can really help to uncover and overcome a fear-based block. Initially there was no conscious decision to do so, but I’m glad I kept following what seemed like random urges. Last night I couldn’t sleep. So around midnight I got back up and headed for my happy place – my office. The very same office that holds my nearly two hundred decks and my tarot and tarot-adjacent books. Once there I reached behind me and grabbed a deck, sight unseen. I chose…

  • Spreads

    My General Spread

    Every reader has their go to spread and I am no different. I mainly work with two – this general nine-card spread and the Celtic Cross. My intuition generally decides which one to use. Sometimes I will think I am going to use one and yet when I go to lay out the cards I am drawn to a different focus point. That probably requires a little explanation. For the most part, I read at my desk. If my eye is drawn to the top left hand corner of my reading area I know I am going to use this spread. If I find myself focusing on the centre of…

  • Spreads

    I Am Enough Spread

    The I am Enough Spread is great to use if you feel self-doubt or less than favourable self talk has been holding you back. As you can see , the I Am Enough Spread is fairly straight forward. In my experience I find simple spreads tend to be the best because they are more flexible. There are many ways you can approach this spread. Laying out the I Am Enough Spread For Position 1 – Who Am I? you can select a card sight unseen, (as I did), or you can consciously choose a card. Even this can be done in many ways. For example, you can choose: I have…