Earth Warriors Oracle
The Earth Warriors Oracle encourages and supports those who wish to work with the collective consciousness. It aims to help “you tap into your creativity, courage and optimism so you can fulfil your Sacred purpose and make real and positive differences in your life and for the greatest good in our world.” Seems like a big aim but put simply, this deck asks us to open our hearts and minds and then take action on what we discover. And it urges us to heal ourselves. If we do that we are well and truly on our way to fulfil its ambitions. For those who take a multi-disciplinary approach, embracing spirituality, health, science and education, Earth Warriors Oracle supports the integration of these ideas to help you find and share solutions. This is an action-orientated deck.

The Earth Warriors Oracle Deck
Isabel Bryna’s artwork is inspired by the natural world in all its forms and it shows in this deck. It’s bright, bold and alive. Overall, the deck blends mythologies and traditions from around the world which highlights the interconnectedness of all. Taking a walkthrough this deck is a potentially transformative experience. It is energising and yet restorative. The energy of 29 Nana Buluku pictured above sums this idea up perfectly. As does the peace and the power of 41 Medicine Horse. This card speaks on so many levels. Generally I associate horses with personal power. When you look at the card there is a sense of reverence and deep knowing. The message to go within and honour the Sacred wisdom that resides there is both comforting and powerful.
And, how beautiful is 17 Padma Sundari pictured below? In a deck that features many animals, something I always love seeing and am always drawn to, she stood out. Each time I look at her I sense her rebirth. I mirror the posture of the hands holding the lotus flowers and just like the lotus that pushes up from the muddy depths towards the light, I find myself raising my arms in a life-affirming stretch. I haven’t had this reaction to a card before. Sure, I’ve consciously replicated body positions to see how the posture makes me feel as a means to inform my readings. But, this was different. Maybe it was serving as a reminder to incorporate that practice more regularly or maybe it was to confirm what I’ve been feeling today. Or, maybe it was just getting me to move because I’ve been at my desk too long. Regardless, it felt great.

If you connect with owls, big cats, butterflies and/or hummingbirds, then you’ll find much to love about this deck. They feature prominently. There’s also a lot of dot work and I found I kept hearing, “connect the dots”, “connect the dots”. To me this reiterated the interconnectedness-of-all-things message and applied it to the cards.
The cards are on the larger size as is typical of oracle decks. They measure 9½ x 14cm which requires a bit of a stretch to shuffle them. If you have smaller hands you’d probably need to shuffle them to the short edge. Even though there’s only 44 cards, I find them difficult to hold lengthwise and overhand shuffle but okay to riffle.
I like that the cards are numbered because it makes them easier to look up in the book. Although I would have appreciated a slightly larger font or more spacing between the letters for the text beneath the card title. It’s legible but feels a bit cramped. Small doesn’t have to mean harder to read.

The Earth Warriors Oracle Book
As with all Alana Fairchild decks, the book is a pleasure to read. Even though the deck reads intuitively, there is much to be gained from reading the book. Having read through the Earth Warriors section which explains how she interprets the term and thus the philosophy of the deck, there is an Introduction that expands further on both of these aspects. Here she also speaks about politics as a question of consciousness; the Divine Feminine; and although not afforded a subheading, the Divine Masculine; as well as various sections explaining how to use and work with the cards.
The strength of the book though is in the card meanings. Each listing is a treasure trove of information. They begin with a message followed by an “In a reading”, a “Spiritual Guidance”, and a “Healing Process” section. The “Spiritual Guidance” is where I believe the value lies. Here you’re introduced to the mythology associated with the card, the message it contains, and how it can relate to your personal situation. There is much knowledge and wisdom to be found here.
Two things concern me with such a comprehensive book though. One is that it can create information overload and two, I wonder if, especially for those starting out, it can make you doubt your own interpretations. So, I just want to say at this point, always have faith and trust in any intuitive hits you receive. Cards are a tool. It is you, your unique experiences, and the messages you draw from them, that brings them to life.

The 215 page book is larger than the cards and printed on cream coloured paper. To accommodate the book means that the two-part box needs to be bigger. I know this is not unusual, however, unfortunately there is no inner packaging to stop the cards from sliding about. This is a bugbear I have with these Blue Angel Publishing decks The decks are beautiful. The books are fantastic. The box is solid and presents really well. So, why not protect the cards with an insert or make the book smaller and thicker? Anyhow, moving on, I own several Blue Angel published decks so it obviously doesn’t bother me enough to stop me buying them. But, I do ask that same question every time I buy a new one.
Four spreads are included in the book with each card position clearly expressed.
- Earth Mother Speaks (4 cards)
- Life Purpose Adjustment with Divine Guidance (4 cards)
- A Simple What-do-I-need-to-know-now Reading (1 card)
- Divine Healing and Spiritual Guidance Session (4 cards)
This is a beautiful oracle deck. If you have ever felt called to do spiritual work but have doubted yourself, your abilities, or the guidance you receive, then this deck could be perfect for you. It gives you a not-so-gentle nudge to follow your guidance and fulfil your purpose. These cards want you to act!

Publishing Details
Deck Creators:
Alana Fairchild and Isabel Bryna (artwork)
Pictured Version:
2nd Edition, Published by Blue Angel Publishing in 2021