Goddess Dream Oracle
The Goddess Dream Oracle is a beautiful deck that aims to reconnect you with your intuition and who you really are. The imagery is soothing, gentle, powerful and inviting. It is a world I want to step into; a mindset available to us all. The Goddess appears in all Her forms. Here she is presented as ‘maiden of creativity, mother of love and crone of sacred wisdom.’

The Goddess Dream Oracle Deck
The cards pictured above highlight the animals that feature prominently in this deck. They are all beautifully rendered and as such speak directly to you. You can feel them and their energy and therefore their messages are clear. When I went through the deck to select the cards to photograph, I really struggled. It was difficult to narrow down my selections because there is something captivating about each card. I didn’t want to cast any aside.
Sometimes keywords on oracle cards feel cliched to me, but I don’t feel that with the Goddess Dream Oracle. Maybe that’s just because it resonates with me, but I feel it is more than that. On the image for ‘Self-love’ where she’s surrounded by animals, the book reminds us that wild creatures accept themselves. They don’t try to be what they are not. We don’t expect to see a dolphin try and fly, or an owl try to run like a cheetah. They work with, and trust in, the skills they have. This is the ultimate expression of self-love. There is nothing wishy-washy or fluffy in this interpretation. Bravery: Explore your inner wild places couples with this perfectly. It’s about exploring your shadow side and ‘owning every aspect of your being without shame and fear.’ Together these cards share a potent and valuable message.

With only 36 cards, The Goddess Dream Oracle is on the smaller side but I like that it stays true to itself. There’s no padding. The creator ‘sought to share her love of Goddess through her paintings and writing’ and in this she succeeds. Her passion was ignited whilst spending time in nature and this is evident throughout. I feel it is so easy to connect with this deck because the creator is so connected to her material. When paired with her artistic talent, this allows her to encapsulate the intended energy and emotion into her artworks.
The card backs are beautiful and I like the card stock because, even at 9 x 13cm it’s easy to work with. It shuffles nicely and springs back well. Overall I’m a fan. The solid, textured, two part box, the book, the colour palette and the messages contained within, all combine to make this a great oracle deck.

The Goddess Dream Oracle Book
The 83-paged accompanying book is presented in full colour which makes it really nice to look through. I appreciate that it includes a full list of contents as it makes it easy to look up the card you’re after. Although I do acknowledge that this is made viable by the smaller number of cards. And, to be honest, I tended to flick through to find the card I was looking for. Nevertheless I have used the information in other ways.
The book opens with an Introduction which is followed by a ‘How to use the cards’ section. I love that this latter section opens with a reminder that ‘there are no rules about how to use these cards. … The following are simply suggestions.’ If you’ve read many of these reviews you may be sick of me going on about this but I believe it is important. Some decks can alienate you before you begin if the creator’s way of “working with the cards” is presented as the “right” approach and yet it differs to your own. I believe no ritual is better than a ritual carried out insincerely or that makes you feel uncomfortable and/or silly. Our personal practice and rituals develop over time. If the book’s suggestions make sense to you, or you connect with them, or you want to try new ideas, that’s great. Nevertheless, if something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. As this book says, ‘they are your cards and it is important you feel comfortable and at one with them.’ I concur.
Anyhow, for each card there is a full-colour image set beautifully within a leafy wreath-like background, which is followed by the card number, and its title and key phrase. Then, the Goddess is introduced along with her role in the mythology she is associated with. The card’s message is interwoven through this information. The Goddesses do not belong to a specific pantheon. Rather, Goddesses from a range of cultures and traditions are included, which in this deck works well. At the end of the book there’s an ‘About the author and artist’ page. I like that a full-colour photograph of Wendy Andrew is included. It’s nice to put a face to the deck creator.

Three spreads are included in the book. Each is a 3 card spread variation.
- Past, present and future spread
- Work, play and people spread
- Body, mind and spirit spread
When I did the Work, play and people spread, I chuckled audibly at each card. They were each so on point. The cards spoke; I listened. This is a beautiful and easy to use oracle deck that is suitable for anyone who wants to work with it. If you like decks that celebrate the Divine Feminine then there’s a good chance that you’ll find the artwork stunning and the messages are clear and relatable.
Publishing Details
Deck Creator:
Wendy Andrew
Pictured Version:
Published by Rockpool Publishing in 2019