• Oracle Decks

    Manifesting Your Greatness

    Manifesting Your Greatness is a simple, straight to the point oracle deck. Just the type of deck you want when your life, your mind, or your emotions are anything but. It’s stylised art…

  • Tarot decks

    Soul Cats Tarot

    Introduction The Soul Cats Tarot is my fourth cat-based tarot deck. It sits alongside Grimalkin’s Curious Cats Tarot, Black Cats Tarot, and Mystical Cats Tarot. Yet it is in no way superfluous. Each…

  • Tarot decks

    The Penumbra Tarot

    Introduction I find it difficult to nail down and easily describe The Penumbra Tarot. Everyday scenes, merpeople, animals, sea goats, and fae all feature, so inclusive, mythical, elemental, traditional and fantastical all come…

  • Tarot decks

    Traditional Manga Tarot

    Introduction I am not a manga fan. I have never read manga nor watched anime, but recently I started looking at some manga-themed decks. The Traditional Manga Tarot is the first one I…

  • Tarot decks

    Crystal Skull Tarot

    Introduction While flicking through Facebook, I came across the Crystal Skull Tarot quite by chance. It was being sold cheaply on one of the Tarot Buy, Swap and Sell pages and my curiosity…

  • Spreads

    My General Spread

    Every reader has their go to spread and I am no different. I mainly work with two – this general nine-card spread and the Celtic Cross. My intuition generally decides which one to…

  • Tarot decks

    Voyager Tarot

    Introduction Before purchasing The Voyager Tarot I had only ever worked with oracle cards. The Moon Oracle was my introduction to divinatory decks. Now I realise that neither of these are typical first…