Rumi Oracle
It’s probably unsurprising that the Rumi Oracle is inspired by the 13th century Persian poet and Sufi mystic Rumi. I first became interested in Rumi’s work when I came across a quote attributed to him:
Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?
It was just what I needed to see at the time and it led me in search of more of his writings. I soon bought a collection of his poetry, The Essential Rumi, and a love affair began. I’m not going to pretend every poem spoke to me. And, I’m not going to pretend I understood them all. What I can say is that as I read through them I would come across a few lines that connected with me instantly. In fact, another of his quotes has become the backbone of the work I do:
Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.
So as you can imagine, when I came across the Rumi Oracle: An invitation to the heart of the Divine I was pretty excited.

The Rumi Oracle Deck
This 44 card deck is the result of a powerful collaboration between Alana Fairchild’s connection with Rumi and Rassouli’s translations of his poetry coupled with his artistic vision. For me, it’s Rassouli’s artwork that brings everything together. The colour palette, as indicated above, is vivid and yet somehow soothing and meditative. The Rumi Oracle really is magical to behold and unfortunately photos don’t do it justice. This is a very personal deck for me and if I was to use it in readings for others I feel I would use it very differently to how I would normally employ oracle cards in my readings. It really requires time. Time to sit with the image and time to consider the words in the accompanying book. After all, that’s where Rumi’s poetry is to be found.
The Rumi Oracle is a very meditative deck. Yes I know all decks can serve this purpose but I feel this deck almost requires it if you’re to get the most from what it has to offer. That is my take though and not how it is described by its creator. I also believe it’s a very healing deck. If I had to narrow it down, I would say this is a very spiritual deck that wants you to connect with all aspects of the Divine.
Now, I realise there are many reasons people seek Tarot and Oracle cards and Divine connection may not be one of them. Or maybe they use totally different terminology for their beliefs. I totally respect that. But if you’re looking for an Oracle deck designed to help you go within on a deeper level then this deck might be what you’ve been looking for. This deck is a pick me up, a tonic for the Soul. Please know I don’t use these terms, Divine and Soul, lightly. I know they get trotted out so often that unfortunately they’ve almost devolved into cliché, but I feel they are apt here.
This deck brings me much comfort and it has drawn me out of myself to such an extent that I can’t believe some of the justifications I gave to my fears. It seeks to get you out of your head and into your heart which, to be honest, I find both terrifying and liberating. Previously, my life was shaped by academic success and a battle between reconciling what I knew in my heart to be real and true and what I could explain rationally. As a result, I have found this review difficult to write because this deck, along with the Haindl Tarot, has had a profound effect on me. I think I have just come across them at the right time in my life.

The images above, along with the first two pictures, provide an overview of the deck’s artwork. The cards themselves are quite large at approximately 9½ x 14cm so for those with small hands they may be a bit difficult to shuffle. That being said, I do find they shuffle well once you get your hands around them. Although, I do find fanning them is a two-hand job.
My only complaint about the deck overall is directed at Blue Angel Publishing. As is the case with other decks they publish, the book is bigger than the cards and therefore so is the box. Obviously I don’t have an issue with that. What I do have an issue with is that they haven’t incorporated any internal packaging to stop the cards sliding around in the box. I don’t understand why especially since the box itself is solid and really attractively designed externally.

The Rumi Oracle Book
The 203 page book is an integral part of this Oracle deck. It has a comprehensive introduction which explains the connection both the author and artist have with Rumi and how the two of them came together to work on this project. Some may baulk at how this section is written, and that’s fair enough. All I would suggest is to draw a card or two and look them up and see how you feel then. I find the two go together really powerfully. As I’ve already suggested, this set has opened me up in a largely unexplainable way.
Anyhow, back to the book. Actually, before I do, I just want to say that since these cards have had a huge impact on me I have interpreted and described them in a very particular, and very personal, way. But like every deck, they are multifaceted and can therefore be used in whatever ways work for you. I’ll admit how I use them may, and quite possibly will, change over time. Okay, now to wrap up the book.
A small black and white image (well black and pale yellow since that’s the colour of the book’s pages), is followed by the card number and title and a snippet of Rumi’s poetry. Unfortunately there is no mention of the poem from which it was taken. This is followed by a message, information about the material covered, guidance and finally a “Sacred Honouring Ritual”. The information for each card spans several pages so this isn’t a flick open to the appropriate page for a quick overview type book. I found that even though the message I need jumps out at me pretty quick I tend to read the entire listing in honour of slowing down and taking my time. Again that’s just what I do. It’s a very different approach to how I work with any of my other decks.
The Spreads
Only one spread is provided:
- The Inner Dervish (6 cards)
This is a spiral spread. I find the areas it addresses beneficial and I expect that I will return to it again. This is a beautiful, healing, comforting and evocative deck that really encourages you to both nurture the presence of the Divine that resides within and to celebrate and engage with the Divine mystery of life. This may not resonate with everyone, but if it does, I believe you will find this to be an amazing deck.

Publishing Details
Deck Creators:
Alana Fairchild (Author) and Rassouli (Poetry translator and artist)
Pictured Version:
Blue Angel Publishing, 2021.

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