• Tarot decks

    Fountain Tarot

    The Fountain Tarot is a balanced deck aimed at elevating our perceptions of ourselves and our place in the Universe. Jason Gruhl writes, “The Fountain Tarot mixes classic symbolism with contemporary art, melding…

  • Tarot decks

    The Medieval Scapini Tarot

    The intricate artwork of The Medieval Scapini Tarot ensures that each time you look at a card you’re bound to discover something new. For example, the cups aren’t just empty vessels featured just…

  • Tarot decks

    Surrealist Tarot

    If you’re wanting to use tarot to tap into your unconscious to discover what hidden factors are driving your behaviours then what could be a better match than the Surrealist Tarot? When you…

  • Tarot decks

    Golden Tarot

    The Golden Tarot uses digital collages of artwork from the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance period. Looking through this deck is like walking through an art gallery – a pleasure for some,…