• Tarot decks

    Earth Woman Tarot

    Earth Woman Tarot is one of the decks I included on my Upcoming Decks I’m Excited For list. It is one that I pre-ordered so I waited in anticipation for it to arrive.…

  • Tarot decks

    Cozy Witch Tarot

    I pre-judged the Cozy Witch Tarot and in so doing I did myself and the deck a disservice. I have Amanda Lovelace’s Believe in Your Own Magic Oracle and I found a lot…

  • Oracle Decks

    Wild Woman Oracle

    The creation of the Wild Woman Oracle was a deeply personal process for Cheyenne Zarate. Like happens with many of us, she had “lost touch with her authenticity which in turn resulted in…

  • Tarot decks

    The Sacred She Tarot

    Introduction The Sacred She Tarot is Ma Deva Padma’s second tarot deck. Her first was the Osho Zen Tarot. If you are familiar with, and like the eclectic mix of art styles in…

  • Tarot decks

    Triple Goddess Tarot

    Introduction The Triple Goddess Tarot tells the story of the Divine Feminine as she moves from Maiden, through Mother to Crone before ultimately returning to Source. It is an uplifting deck that helped…

  • Tarot decks

    The Dreamkeepers Tarot

    The Dreamkeepers Tarot took mixed media artist, Liz Huston, 12 years to create. It’s an RWS inspired deck but the distinctly feminine theme which sees the Queens heading the Court means some cards…