• Tarot decks

    Out of Hand Tarot

    Jamie Sawyer’s goal in creating the Out of Hand Tarot is to show “that you forge new and deeper relationships with the tarot by seeing how it can relate to your personal experience.” I believe she succeeded. The guide book opens, “Things in life have a tendency to get “Out of Hand”. This deck showcases moments in which we live and experience the tarot.” She goes on to add that the Out of Hand Tarot aims to show “how we live the tarot in even some of the smallest moments.” By the end of this post I am pretty sure you will agree that is exactly what this deck achieves.…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot of Echoes

    I go through phases of buying decks. Sometimes there’s nothing that’s really jumping out at me and other times there are way too many decks that appeal to me. Lately I’ve found myself pre-ordering several decks and this is one that as soon as it was available for pre-order I jumped at. Even with the shipping costs it was worth it to me. I had been following the development of the Tarot of Echoes on Instagram and each image new Ana Tourian shared increased my anticipation. I was truly captivated. Now, I don’t normally share decks that are not readily available because personally I hate falling in love with unavailable…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot of Oneness

    This is a magical deck. Decks like Tarot of the Hidden Realm and the Morgan Greer Tarot allow you to get up close and personal with the people on the cards. Tarot of Oneness gets you up close and personal with yourself and what is going on around you. It gives you a first hand perspective that does not allow you to shy away from what is in front of you. The Cards Tarot of Oneness is an 84-card RWS inspired tarot deck with minimal reference to gender. So much so that two 6 Lovers cards are included in the deck to allow users to choose the card that feels…

  • Tarot decks

    Superlunaris Tarot

    Okay, so let the gushing begin. This is an amazing deck that I connected with instantly. The artwork is incredible and you can feel the love and intention that went in to creating the Superlunaris Tarot. When I asked the cards to introduce themselves to me, their answer in part was, “I want to ground you in a sense of joy and personal freedom … I want to help you express yourself as who you are, just as I am an expression of my creators.” And oh how it succeeds. I reached out to the creators, Jess and Jacob and Jess’s response was so warm and full of joy and…

  • Tarot decks

    The Tarot of Trees

    The Tarot of Trees is promoted as an “80-card colourful and whimsical tarot deck that features classical tarot symbolism through the theme of trees.” And, that it is. But to me, it is best described as a hug deck. I find it calming. I have other decks I feel really connected to because I receive a flood of messages from them almost instantly, whereas this deck reminds me to sit back, relax, and take my time. Sometimes, probably more than I allow, this is just what I need. I doubt I’m the only one. Looking through these cards is the indoor equivalent of sitting on a rock in the bush…

  • Oracle Decks

    Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle

    The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is the oracle deck that aligns with the Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot and I feel they really do complement each other. And as with the tarot deck, a portion of each sale goes to The Bee Conservancy organisation. The creator, Kelly Burton, invites you to “Dive into a journey through the elements of fire, water, air, earth, and aether (Spirit) with the bees as your Spirit guides.” It’s a colourful trip. The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle Deck The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is a colourful collage deck that utilises elemental energies to share its messages. As someone…

  • Tarot decks

    Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot

    If you’re looking for a deck to help keep you on track and moving forward in your own truth then Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot could be the deck you have been looking for. This deck and the the matching oracle, Wisdom of the Sacred Bee, are independently published by Kelly Burton from Sacred Soul Productions, but fortunately they were published this year (2021), so they’re easy to source. I was excited as soon as I discovered the existence of Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot because I’ve had a strong affinity with bees for a long time now and no, not just because of their association with my…