• Tarot decks

    Midnight Magic

    Midnight Magic has a lot to say. Yet I never expected to write that when I first became aware of this deck. My initial reaction was, “How on earth would I read with that?” As it turns out, very, very easily. I mean wow! I have a monumental crush on this deck. It’s grounded, it’s cheeky, it’s enchanting, and as corny as it sounds, it nourishes my soul. Yes, I’ll say it again, I’ve fallen hard. I don’t think I’ll ever look at mushrooms in the same way again. Pairing mushroom names and properties with tarot is the sort of seemingly random connection that turns out to feel so natural…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot for the Great Outdoors

    If you love outdoor recreational activities and tarot then this deck provides a wonderful way to bring the two together. Creator, JQ Gordon says the Tarot for the Great Outdoors encourages you to, “explore your inner potential and the outdoors with the beauty, mystery and joy of tarot” and she’s right. This deck urged me to get up from my desk and head outside. Not many things motivate me to do that lately. Yet bushwalking, kayaking, camping and just generally sitting out in nature had been such an important part of my life. I wrote a personal essay about why which you can read by clicking here if you’re curious.…

  • Tarot decks

    Witches’ Wisdom Tarot

    I ummed and ahhed about buying the Witches’ Wisdom Tarot because I knew the creators had taken a different approach to the Majors. For the most part, I focus on the RWS system, but in the end I relented. My curiosity, and to be frank, some of the artwork, got the better of me. Though at first, as much as I appreciated the deck, I wasn’t sure how I would work with it. Fortunately that has changed. Much of the philosophy of the deck aligns with my own. I simplify it to “Heaven is here on Earth”. The explanation they provide is much more eloquent. Phyllis Curott points out that…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot Landscapes

    Introduction With a name like Tarot Landscapes it is no surprise that this is “a deck of tarot cards that are inspired by and dedicated to landscapes.” What is a surprise is how much I fell for this deck. I pre-ordered it on a whim because, to date, I have not been able to source an affordable copy of the Majestic Earth Tarot. However, since the first time I worked with Tarot Landscapes, I became a bit obsessed and I’ve found myself reaching for it constantly. To put this into perspective, this deck arrived around the same time as Tarot of Echoes, a deck I had coveted since its inception.…

  • Tarot decks

    The Sacred She Tarot

    Introduction The Sacred She Tarot is Ma Deva Padma’s second tarot deck. Her first was the Osho Zen Tarot. If you are familiar with, and like the eclectic mix of art styles in that deck, then you are bound to like the artwork in this one. Two things drew me to this deck: the 1 Roots card pictured below and the title. To be honest, it wasn’t a lot to justify pre-ordering a deck. But, when I opened the book and read Ma Deva Padma’s motivation for creating the cards, the urge made sense. She wrote, “I began the art for this deck in the hopes that it would serve…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot of the Old Path

    Tarot of the Old Path is a Wiccan inspired deck that incorporates the Victorian language of flowers and animal symbolism. This post contains a full review including insights and over twenty full colour images.

  • Oracle Decks

    The Herbal Astrology Oracle

    The Herbal Astrology Oracle is a very recent addition to my oracle card collection. I added it because I feel more and more drawn to explore the many ways plants can help us heal. This started with The Herbcrafter’s Tarot and continues with The Herbal Astrology Oracle. Each has something unique to offer. Adriana Ayales created this deck “to bring us back to the original consciousness that prevailed on earth for millennia.” She then goes on to write, “Herbalism is the medicine of belonging, a gateway through which we keep alive a very sacred aspect to our source.” Josephine Klerks’ stunning artwork encourages these connections. The Herbal Astrology Oracle Cards…

  • Tarot decks

    The Herbcrafter’s Tarot

    To be honest, I bought The Herbcrafter’s Tarot because I noticed it appeared on several people’s “decks they would not part with” and “top mass market decks” lists and I was curious as to why. I had no idea how I would work with it though. Then, as bad as it sounds, since it arrived with a batch of other decks I just put it on my shelf with the intention of getting to it later. Later took a while. There were a few false starts between then and now, but this time I was ready to dive in. This is such a soothing deck. Artist, Joanna Powell Colbert, creator…

  • Tarot decks

    The Bohemian Animal Tarot

    The Bohemian Animal Tarot is an 80 card tarot deck, similar in concept to The Tarot of Curious Creatures, as it is illustrated with figures that are part animal, part human. This deck, however, has a totally different feel. In part that is because the artwork is bright and colourful and wouldn’t be out of place illustrating a children’s book, but it is more than that. Scott Alexander King has written several books on animal symbolism and he combines his extensive knowledge in this area with mythology and archetypal energies. This is a fascinating deck to work with. The Bohemian Animal Tarot Cards Depending upon your personal approach to tarot,…

  • Oracle Decks

    The Earthcraft Oracle

    The Earthcraft Oracle is a pretty, pretty deck. It feels condescending to write that because it is much more than its appearance. But, when I look at the cards that is the first thing that comes to mind. I love the artwork. If my artistic abilities were better this is the type of artwork I would create. So much so that it has inspired me to draw again. But more on that later. This is a brightly coloured, inclusive, nature-inspired deck that can be used in so many ways. Above all else though, for me, this deck is all about connection – connection to the Earth, connection to the world…