Upcoming decks I’m excited for in 2024
When I spent some time on the Llewellyn website recently a few items due for release later this year caught my attention. I’m pretty confident that I’m not the only one they’ll appeal to. Even though I titled this “Upcoming decks I’m excited for” I have to admit that it’s actually five decks and one book. There is another deck and a couple of books that interest me, but I know for sure that each of the ones listed below will be finding their way onto my shelves as soon as they are available. I’ve already pre-ordered two of the decks. Listed according to their stated release date, these are my selections:
Earth Woman Tarot

The Earth Woman Tarot by Tarn Ellis is one of the decks I have already pre-ordered. It is due for release in June 2024. The faceless figures bring to mind the Sun and Moon Tarot but from what I can see it has a very different feel. XVIII The Moon card pictured below and the box cover, (pictured above), made me want to see more of this deck. RWS-based, it focuses on uniting the Earth and the Divine Feminine. I can’t wait for it to arrive.

Under the Oak Tarot

Under the Oak Tarot created by Jessica di Fraia and illustrated by Elena Bia, also known as Ofride is also due for release in June 2024. The concept of this deck had me intrigued. “A blind girl named Anima lands on a mysterious island overlooked by a giant oak tree. Although she cannot see the incredible creatures that dwell here, she perceives better than anyone the magic that permeates this enchanted realm.” Looking at the artwork, it feels like the Traditional Manga Tarot, the Tarot of the Magical Forest and the Green Witch Tarot got together to create a magical world and then filled it with mystical creatures. It’s a world I look forward to exploring. So, I have pre-ordered this deck as well.

Steampunk Faerie Tarot

The Steampunk Faerie Tarot by Pamela Chen with artwork by Ashley Cassaday is due for release in July. This caught my attention because, at the time of writing this, I am currently working on the review for Pamela Chen’s Tarot of the Owls. Since I connect with her approach to the tarot, I like steampunk decks, and I don’t have any faerie tarot decks, I believe this will be a nice addition to my collection. Something about it just makes me smile. Why that is I haven’t been able to establish as yet, but that doesn’t matter. A smile’s a smile.

Good Fortune Tarot

Barbara Moore teamed up with Jessica Roux to create the Good Fortune Tarot due for release in July 2024. I have several Barbara Moore decks, (Tarot of the Hidden Realm, Wizard’s Tarot, The Steampunk Tarot, Tarot in Wonderland), and I like her writing style so I am pretty confident I will enjoy the book. Nevertheless, it was actually The Fool card that drew me in. The blurb mentions that the deck combines Marseille tradition with RWS imagery so I’m curious to see how that comes together. It also states that it will be printed on linen cardstock. That’s always a plus for me. Overall, it looks like it will be a beginner friendly deck that has something to offer everyone.

The Neuroscience of Tarot

I honestly can’t wait to read The Neuroscience of Tarot. In this 192-paged, full-colour book, Siddharth Ramakrishnan explores and explains the neuroscience behind intuition using exercises and text suitable for those without a science background. November 2024 seems so far away and I’m feeling a tad impatient already. But at least I’ll have some new decks to keep me busy until this book is released.
Unbridled Spirit Tarot
This last deck, the Unbridled Spirit Tarot is a bit of a ring in but I couldn’t not include it. I say it’s a ring in because it isn’t actually due for release until March 2025. So, technically it shouldn’t be on this list. But, it’s a horse-themed deck created by Tina Tack Anderson with art by Diana Vargas Sampieri. I have wanted a horse deck since I started reading tarot so I am super keen for this deck. I know there’s an indie horse deck, The Riderless Tarot, which looks sweet, and several oracle decks, but I love the true-to-life artwork used to illustrate the Unbridled Spirit Tarot.
I’d highly recommend visiting Dianita’s website to view her work. She is incredibly talented and the pieces listed in her shop are very reasonably priced. There are no pictures available for this deck through Llewellyn as yet so Diana, aka Dianita, was kind enough to allow me to use images from her Instagram @dianita_art so I had something to show you. I will incorporate the Llewellyn images when they become available.

Final word
If there are any decks you think I might like please let me know either in the comments below or via email. Or if you’re a creator and have released a deck or have one due for release this year then I’d love to hear from you too.
To ensure that the correct people are given the credit they deserve, with the exception of the Unbridled Spirit Tarot images, all images © Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125. All rights reserved, used by permission.

Oh my, the horse deck!! I had not heard about this, but I will absolutely order it when it is available. Though I don’t ride to speak of, my daughter has been riding since she was 5 years old, so the equestrian world is important to me. The art looks gorgeous. I can’t wait to see more of her work. I really love the look of the Good Fortune Tarot, and I’m a Barbara Moore and Jessica Roux fan. In the Llewellyn new release section, I thought that I would be really excited about the upcoming Voodoo Tarot; however, I think I will seek out the older New Orleans Voodoo Tarot instead…though I’ll admit that I am a little reluctant to bring that energy into my space without proper knowledge (the same I feel about Santa Muerte tarot decks).
Here are a few upcoming decks I’m interested in:
*The Floral Tarot, published by Kaddo, with whom I’m not familiar. I’d like to see some of the cards before committing.
*The MM version of the Grateful Dead Tarot. The Dead were an important piece of my growing up years, and I can’t wait to see how they integrate the songs and spirit of the band in the cards. My only gripe is that the MM version has rainbow colored card backgrounds, which seems busy against the already crazy-colored artwork. I wish they’d stuck with the indie version with a more mellow dark gold background.
*a MM version of Tarot of the Cosmic Seed is being published. I am really attracted to this deck, which is a departure for me as I’m not typically into collage decks. There are still indie decks available, and I’m trying to decide if I should purchase the indie while I still have the chance!
*and lastly, a few upcoming Kickstarters that I’m interested in checking out: the companion deck to the Gentle Tarot; the Wyspell Witch Tarot; the Everyday Woman Tarot; and the Tarot of Grief.
I get that same feeling with the Voodoo Tarot decks. I look at them but I baulk at actually buying them.
I tried to find images of the Floral Tarot via Instagram and a general search with no luck which surprised me.
I wasn’t familiar with The Grateful Dead’s music but I went and had a listen to a couple of songs and watched a video on You Tube featuring the indie version. It’s got me curious.
The Gentle Tarot has been on my radar for a while so I’m following that, the Everyday Woman Tarot and the Tarot of Grief on Kickstarter now too. I’ve also put the Tarot of the Cosmic Seed in my diary so I remember to keep an eye out for it later in the year. Thanks for the suggestions Shaney.