Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle
The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is the oracle deck that aligns with the Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot and I feel they really do complement each other. And as with the tarot deck, a portion of each sale goes to The Bee Conservancy organisation. The creator, Kelly Burton, invites you to “Dive into a journey through the elements of fire, water, air, earth, and aether (Spirit) with the bees as your Spirit guides.” It’s a colourful trip.

The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle Deck
The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is a colourful collage deck that utilises elemental energies to share its messages. As someone really drawn to colour at the moment, its use in this deck appeals to me as I find it offers valuable insights during a reading. Sacred geometry is used throughout in varying degrees also and I look forward to learning more about this aspect. For those interested I discovered information on Sacred Geometry on this website (please note I am not affiliated with this website in anyway and I’m not suggesting the need to buy anything. I just found the information in the linked article interesting.)
Having mentioned colour, I have to say I was surprised by the bright purple gilding and card backs. Since it is packaged in a purple box I’m not sure why it shocked me but it still does every time I pull these cards out. I guess I thought the depth of the purple would be more akin to the teal on the Journey of the Sacred Bee Tarot. It’s not that it bothers me as such, just that it surprises me.

When I look at the cards without an awareness of the keywords, which are easy to consciously overlook if so desired, I see, feel and hear things in quick succession. So much so that I find I need to try and slow the messages sometimes. Generally, my eye is drawn to an area of the card and that precipitates a rapid-fire free association type stream of consciousness that ultimately comes to make complete sense. In other words, this deck and my intuition seem to have an intimate connection. I feel more like an onlooker/eavesdropper than an active participant. It’s like the scenes in the more light-hearted TV crime shows where the “consultant” suddenly overhears something that allows everything to fall into place and they crack the case. Once illuminated the answer seems as if it was so obvious all along.
Although, on occasions the keywords have thrown me. For example, Stagnation and Indifference.

When I looked at Stagnation, the Hermit came to mind. The need to look inside because that is where, just like in the case of the honeycomb which contains the larvae and stores the honey and pollen, the answers will be found. When I looked at the card I pretty much flipped the meaning. In the book one of the possible things to consider is to “Notice if you are being withdrawn” as if that was a negative condition. But then it made sense to me. There’s a difference between hiding away and consciously choosing to do so. If you’ve removed yourself because you need to recharge and/or take stock then that’s a positive action.
However, if you’re withdrawn and isolated and finding your thoughts and actions feel stagnant, uninspiring and heavy then it really could well be time to go within in search of whatever it is you think may return some sweetness to your life. For me, my reaction to the card was signalling both the way to work with the card and to alter what it was expressing. Next time I see Stagnation I may have a totally different response. But that’s how I see it this time around. As I look at it now, I notice the green and what feels like Universal energy but I won’t go into that now. This isn’t about my personal interpretations after all.
Although I can’t help thinking about our indifference to the healing power of nature and our ability to heal ourselves and our situations when I look at the echinacea flowers and the keyword Indifference pictured above. Echinacea reminds me of my Mum and the thought that we can’t think one way and act another and hope to have a favourable response. Also our indifference to our ability to heal ourselves from Ancestral trauma, even though there may be a powerful need to do so. That message may have been strengthened by the Ancestry card sitting beside it (pictured below). In my own case I wish I had investigated these ideas much sooner. Recently I have come to see how incorrectly I had interpreted something that has shaped a large part of my life. Fortunately it’s never too late to rectify things although unfortunately it can be too late to say sorry to those concerned.

I find one of the real strengths of the Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle is its balance. It’s not all happy, happy and sickly sweet. It’s a spoonful of honey, not the entire jar. It doesn’t gloss over emotions and situations we all may face and have to deal with. But, as I’ve already alluded to, it doesn’t take you somewhere you may have been trying to avoid without suggesting a way out.
The cards themselves are on good matt cardstock that’s quite nice to shuffle in every way. And, it fans okay. The cards measure approximately 7½ x 12½ cm and are fully reversible. There are three lineage cards represented by The Worker, The Drone and The Queen and five suits – Air, Water, Earth, Fire and Aether with thirteen cards in each. Each card has an elemental symbol at the top with the keyword printed in uppercase on a coloured strip that runs across the bottom. The colour of the strip varies with the suit. That detail would really enhance the accompanying Tarot deck, but it’s not to be on my edition.

The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Oracle Book
The perfect bound book that comes with the deck is 152 pages long. It opens with a welcome that offers a brief introduction to the deck that includes a little information on bees as well. This is followed by equally brief information on Sacred Geometry which includes an explanation on the intentional sizing of the deck. Next comes the cards and their meanings. For each there’s a black and white image, an explanation of the picture, followed by card meanings and suggested actions. The cards are divided elementally. However, then you need to flick through to find your particular card. The index only offers the page number for the beginning of the element and the cards are not presented in their section alphabetically which means there’s a little more flicking required than should be necessary. Since the cards are not numbered, there’s no help there either. This is a minor complaint and one that could be easily rectified in subsequent printings since no reason is given for this choice.
Two spreads are included in the book.
- Three Card Spread
- The Wisdom of the Sacred Bee Five Card Spread
I really connect with this deck but I recognise it isn’t for everyone. If you are drawn to it or would like to investigate it further, you can discover more at the creator’s website www.sacredsoulproductions.com

Publishing Details
Deck Creator:
Kelly Burton
Pictured Version:
Published by Sacred Soul Productions in 2021