Anna K Tarot
The Anna K Tarot sheds much of the esoteric symbolism of the Rider Waite system it is largely based on. Instead it encourages users to consider what is happening on the card in conjunction with the emotions the people are expressing. If you’re after a deck that provides clear, straight-up answers, the Anna K Tarot is perfect. This deck took ten years to create and it seems that in that time Anna K spent a lot of time thinking about what each card meant to her and then depicting that particular meaning. It’s a great deck to be able to reach for if you’re feeling particularly scrambled.
For example the 8 of wands pictured above isn’t about travel, rapid movement, advancement, and so on. It’s about receiving a message. Anna K writes in the accompanying hand book, “it means news and not much else.” Of course you can read more into it depending on the surrounding cards or what it stirs up for you personally, but as I said, if you’re looking for clear accessible answers then this deck delivers. I mean look at the Page of Rods pictured below.

The Anna K Tarot Cards
The original artwork, which are actually pencil drawings, was only 12cm x 16cm so the cards don’t feel as if too much has been crammed into too small a space. The Llewellyn version, which mine is, has a black border but I have removed it and then edged the cards in black. So please be aware that if you buy this deck it will not look exactly like the images pictured. I know some people don’t like the idea of modifying decks. I’m obviously not one of them.
Unlike many decks, (ie The Hidden Realm) Anna K hasn’t used models. Instead, as she shares in the accompanying book. she draws from memory. She has a fascination with faces and her intention as she drew the cards was to really focus on expressing the range of human emotions. Thus, everyone is not depicted as happy and smiling which can be seen in the cards pictured below. There are four cards that don’t have people on them at all though – XVII The Star, XVIII The Moon, XIX The Sun and XXI The World. For those you can really tap into how they make you feel without distraction.
Minor changes have been made to the naming of the cards. The suits are Rods (rather than Wands), Pentacles, Cups and Swords and V The Hierophant is now V The High Priest. Justice is VIII and Strength is XI.

The Anna K Tarot Book
The solid 11½ x 15cm Anna K Tarot Handbook opens with:
Tarot is a beautiful way to become clear about one’s motivations, fears, and desires. It can teach one to learn to look into one’s own heart lovingly, without prejudice – until no part of the self is feared or looked down upon anymore, for they are all intimately known.
How perfect is that? It captures the essence of tarot so beautifully and it really made me want to read on to discover what else she had to say. The book includes a short history of the deck’s creation process and a section on tarot’s origin and usage which is followed by information on the deck’s structure. In this section she offers her way of interpreting the Aces and Court cards which really helps to simplify the process. There’s also a section on reading the cards which is the “how-to” part of the book. She raises some points worth considering as well as some suggestions on ways to practice with the cards here also.
The card explanations for both the Minor and Major Arcana include a full page black and white image followed by a full page for the meaning of the card. When the card meaning spills over on to the following page, a notes page is inserted so as to maintain the layout of the image on the left and the meaning on the right. It’s a small detail but I like it – not that I have ever used them. I also like that the Minor Arcana is given as much attention as the Major. For some cards she has also provided additional tips to help with understanding the card, generally by considering it alongside another card.
Seven spreads are included in the guide book:
- Essence card (1 card calculated)
- Daily card
- Short and Sweet (4 cards)
- Relationship/Friendship spread (10 cards)
- Birthday or New Year’s Eve spread (5)
- Spread of Success (7 cards)
- Systemic Card spread (intuitive)
There is definitely something to offer here without needing to go straight off in search of spreads if you are new to tarot.

Publishing details
Deck Creator:
Anna Klaffinger
Pictured Version:
Llewellyn Publications. First Llewellyn Edition, 3rd Printing, 2019.
You can purchase the original edition directly from Anna K on her website along with her Lenormand cards as well.