Tarot decks

  • Tarot decks

    Cozy Witch Tarot

    I pre-judged the Cozy Witch Tarot and in so doing I did myself and the deck a disservice. I have Amanda Lovelace’s Believe in Your Own Magic Oracle and I found a lot to love about it so I should have taken that into account. But, I didn’t. Instead, I saw the keywords and questioned whether the deck was for me. Generally I see keywords on tarot cards as distractions that can limit the meanings of the card. How wrong my assumption has proven to be. My eye is naturally drawn to the artwork and when it does wander down to read the words beneath the title I find I…

  • Tarot decks

    Midnight Magic

    Midnight Magic has a lot to say. Yet I never expected to write that when I first became aware of this deck. My initial reaction was, “How on earth would I read with that?” As it turns out, very, very easily. I mean wow! I have a monumental crush on this deck. It’s grounded, it’s cheeky, it’s enchanting, and as corny as it sounds, it nourishes my soul. Yes, I’ll say it again, I’ve fallen hard. I don’t think I’ll ever look at mushrooms in the same way again. Pairing mushroom names and properties with tarot is the sort of seemingly random connection that turns out to feel so natural…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot of the Owls

    At first glance the Tarot of the Owls may seem like a cutesy deck that focuses on being beautiful to look at rather than offering anything new. However, that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. It may look light but it offers so much. Beneath its beauty is a solid tarot deck that I have come to discover is wonderful for shadow work. That definitely wasn’t what I expected when I first flicked through the cards. The deck might take you into a magical Owl Realm, but what you find in this mystical place is solid, practical and helpful. The Tarot of the Owls deck To discover that this…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot for the Great Outdoors

    If you love outdoor recreational activities and tarot then this deck provides a wonderful way to bring the two together. Creator, JQ Gordon says the Tarot for the Great Outdoors encourages you to, “explore your inner potential and the outdoors with the beauty, mystery and joy of tarot” and she’s right. This deck urged me to get up from my desk and head outside. Not many things motivate me to do that lately. Yet bushwalking, kayaking, camping and just generally sitting out in nature had been such an important part of my life. I wrote a personal essay about why which you can read by clicking here if you’re curious.…

  • Tarot decks

    Out of Hand Tarot

    Jamie Sawyer’s goal in creating the Out of Hand Tarot is to show “that you forge new and deeper relationships with the tarot by seeing how it can relate to your personal experience.” I believe she succeeded. The guide book opens, “Things in life have a tendency to get “Out of Hand”. This deck showcases moments in which we live and experience the tarot.” She goes on to add that the Out of Hand Tarot aims to show “how we live the tarot in even some of the smallest moments.” By the end of this post I am pretty sure you will agree that is exactly what this deck achieves.…

  • Tarot decks

    Witches’ Wisdom Tarot

    I ummed and ahhed about buying the Witches’ Wisdom Tarot because I knew the creators had taken a different approach to the Majors. For the most part, I focus on the RWS system, but in the end I relented. My curiosity, and to be frank, some of the artwork, got the better of me. Though at first, as much as I appreciated the deck, I wasn’t sure how I would work with it. Fortunately that has changed. Much of the philosophy of the deck aligns with my own. I simplify it to “Heaven is here on Earth”. The explanation they provide is much more eloquent. Phyllis Curott points out that…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot Landscapes

    Introduction With a name like Tarot Landscapes it is no surprise that this is “a deck of tarot cards that are inspired by and dedicated to landscapes.” What is a surprise is how much I fell for this deck. I pre-ordered it on a whim because, to date, I have not been able to source an affordable copy of the Majestic Earth Tarot. However, since the first time I worked with Tarot Landscapes, I became a bit obsessed and I’ve found myself reaching for it constantly. To put this into perspective, this deck arrived around the same time as Tarot of Echoes, a deck I had coveted since its inception.…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot of Echoes

    I go through phases of buying decks. Sometimes there’s nothing that’s really jumping out at me and other times there are way too many decks that appeal to me. Lately I’ve found myself pre-ordering several decks and this is one that as soon as it was available for pre-order I jumped at. Even with the shipping costs it was worth it to me. I had been following the development of the Tarot of Echoes on Instagram and each image new Ana Tourian shared increased my anticipation. I was truly captivated. Now, I don’t normally share decks that are not readily available because personally I hate falling in love with unavailable…

  • Tarot decks

    Erenberg Tarot

    Tarot seeks to show us a different way of looking at things. The Erenberg Tarot shows us a different way of looking at tarot. Tarot of the Hidden Realm and the Morgan Greer Tarot put us more up close an personal than most decks. But to compare them to the Erenberg Tarot‘s up close and personal approach is like comparing photos of a full moon taken on my phone with those taken with a telephoto lens. Now this is all great but why do this? Why? Well firstly because it’s different and that in itself is great. It’s refreshing; it’s interesting and it’s exciting. Secondly, it allows you to hone…

  • Deck and Book Reviews,  Tarot decks

    5 Mass Market Tarot Decks that Deserve More Attention

    Introduction I have a lot of tarot decks and my collection continues to grow. And yes, I have most of the very popular mass market decks such as, Light Seers Tarot, Wild Unknown, The Everyday Witch Tarot, The Forest of Enchantment Tarot, Druid Craft Tarot, The Llewellyn Tarot and five different versions of the RWS tarot. They are popular for a reason. They are wonderful tarot decks and they deserve the attention they receive. But I have others in my collection that I believe deserve a lot more recognition. I rarely see them featured on Tarot Tube or socials so this is my attempt to remedy that. At the time…