Tarot decks

  • Tarot decks

    The Muse Tarot

    As it’s name suggests The Muse Tarot aims to connect you with your Muse in order to spark and inspire creativity. It’s also a reminder that creative endeavours open up this connection. Above…

  • Tarot decks

    Oriens Animal Tarot

    This animal themed deck is completely different to any of the others I own – and I own a few. Without including oracle decks seven come to mind, (Animals Divine Tarot, Animal Totem…

  • Tarot decks

    Runic Tarot

    As the name suggests, the Runic Tarot combines runes with tarot. Whilst it’s true that many decks incorporate runes, (Haindl Tarot, Pearls of Wisdom, and Light Seers Tarot to name just a few),…

  • Tarot decks

    Guardian Tarot

    This deck, wow, I don’t know where, or how, to begin. I first saw the Guardian Tarot on You Tube and I thought hmmm creepy. But, I couldn’t stop looking at it. I…

  • Tarot decks

    Morgan Greer Tarot

    You may wonder why it took me so long to get around to reviewing a deck originally published in 1979 but here’s the thing, I didn’t own it until recently. The Morgan Greer…

  • Tarot decks

    Robin Wood Tarot

    For those who like nature inspired decks rich in Pagan symbolism that are super easy to read and nice to look at, then the Robin Wood Tarot may well be for you. This…

  • Tarot decks

    Transparent Tarot

    The Transparent Tarot (not to be confused with Universal Transparent Tarot) is remarkable. This complete re-imagining of the tarot encourages users to actually layer the cards. For example, the featured image above combines…

  • Tarot decks

    Crow Tarot

    The Crow Tarot infuses art designed to pay homage to crows and ravens with familiar Rider Waite meanings. The aim was to create a tool that aids and encourages self discovery and I…