• Tarot decks

    The Tarot of Curious Creatures

    The Tarot of Curious Creatures is creator, Chris-Anne’s, latest offering. In this deck she ‘welcome[s] [you] to the world of curious creatures, peculiar guides and unfamiliar familiars.’ I have to admit it took…

  • Tarot decks

    The Dreamkeepers Tarot

    The Dreamkeepers Tarot took mixed media artist, Liz Huston, 12 years to create. It’s an RWS inspired deck but the distinctly feminine theme which sees the Queens heading the Court means some cards…

  • Tarot decks

    The Medieval Scapini Tarot

    The intricate artwork of The Medieval Scapini Tarot ensures that each time you look at a card you’re bound to discover something new. For example, the cups aren’t just empty vessels featured just…

  • Tarot decks

    Surrealist Tarot

    If you’re wanting to use tarot to tap into your unconscious to discover what hidden factors are driving your behaviours then what could be a better match than the Surrealist Tarot? When you…

  • Tarot decks

    The Animal Wisdom Tarot

    The Animal Wisdom Tarot is a symbolically-rich deck that seamlessly merges animal wisdom with traditional tarot. It provides new perspectives that encourages you to reclaim your power by stripping away anything that isn’t…

  • Tarot decks

    The Starchild Tarot Akashic

    The Starchild Tarot Akashic, not to be confused with The Starchild Tarot by the same creator, aims to help us explore “the ancient traditions of the Tarot through a multidimensional journey of Consciousness…

  • Oracle Decks

    Everyday Witch Oracle

    I bought the Everyday Witch Oracle because I really like reading with the Everyday Witch Tarot and lately I have a bit of a thing about “sets”. If that wasn’t the case I…