The Moon Oracle
The Moon Oracle was one of the first decks I bought. I have never been big into astrology, (probably because astrology charts always ask for your time of birth and I have no idea and no-one to ask), so I can’t tell you why it drew me in at the time. But it did.
Yet this deck has sat, wrapped in a scarf, firstly in a cupboard and then on my book shelf for years without attracting my attention in the slightest. Why? That I can’t tell you either.
Fortunately, the other day when I was selecting my decks for my daily card draws I reached for it. I’m so glad I did. I had totally forgotten how much I loved The Moon Oracle and how easy it is to connect to. Just holding it rekindles many memories.
The deck is divided into three sections:
- The Moon Phases
- The Moon Goddesses
- The Moon Mansions
The Moon Phases
The authors link the moon phases to the life cycle of plants. This is very apt. These cards show you where things are at.

Each card shows a keyword and the relative stage of a plant’s development. Some of the keywords I don’t gel with but that doesn’t mean that others will feel the same. As a predominantly intuitive reader I’m generally not a fan of keywords. I find combining the element and the moon phase in conjunction with the question and the other cards selected provides the best rendering of the story the cards are telling.
I did enjoy the information the authors provide about the Moon Phases. They also talk about the elements and how they link in with the various phases. I found the information they provided on the elements really clear and accessible. I always enjoy reading how different authors portray the basics and I will be updating my Tarot Journal accordingly.
There is also a brief section on the Eight Moon Phase Personality Types. If this interests you then you can find the phase of the moon on the day of your birth along with a brief explanation here.
The Mansions of the Moon
There are 28 Moon Mansions. They link the properties of the zodiac signs and the planetary rulers and provide “advice” on what to do.

The Goddesses
Twelve Goddesses are represented in this deck. The Goddess cards shed light on how to approach the situation.
Each has been assigned an astrological sign linked to the season the authors consider them associated with. However since I am in the Southern Hemisphere, Spring is not associated with Pisces, Aries and Taurus. Their dates fall more in Autumn. But I don’t feel that detracts from the deck. I have cropped this deck to bring the images more to the fore. Below is the cropped card before I rounded the corners.

I love reading the mythology associated with the Goddesses and I use these stories to divine meaning. In this way I am still able to readily connect with the cards.
Additional information
The author’s provide some spread suggestions at the back of the book. I have had good results working with the spreads specifically designed for the deck. However, as my deck is an old version I can not say for sure what is provided in the 2018 revised edition. The cards themselves are the same though.
I am glad they have published a much newer edition than mine. My book’s Moon Tables ended at 2015. Information can be found on line but it would be much better to be able to just flick to the back of the book. Anyone interested in providing timings with their readings will definitely want the latest version.
Overall, I would say that anyone interested in lunar astrology or just a beautiful deck that provides clear insights would enjoy The Moon Oracle. I am definitely glad we have become reacquainted.

Caroline Smith and John Astrop
First Published in Australia:
Simon and Schuster 1999
First Edition:
Eddison Sadd Editions 1999
If you have any questions please leave a comment below. As always I will be happy to help in any way I can.