Healing Light Tarot
The Healing Light Tarot is a striking deck that aims to facilitate healing and a sense of wholeness. It draws its inspiration from the Ancient Celtic belief that the veil between worlds is thinnest at dusk and dawn. I have been aware of this deck for a while but it is a very recent addition to my shelves.

The Healing Light Tarot Deck
The imagery on these cards is like nothing else in my collection. They’re dramatic and bold without being brash and I feel they capture the essence of the liminal space that inspired them well. It’s difficult to contain them and to be honest I wonder why I’d even try. Maybe it’s where my head is at now and maybe that’s why, without warning or thought, I found myself suddenly purchasing them. Rather than trying to attach labels and descriptors, the Healing Light Tarot invites us to expand our thinking, to delve into the in-between spaces that exist within us and in the world at large. Rather than things being either/or what would happen if we focused on the slash (/) that separates them? I feel these cards encourage us to do exactly that.
Each card features a mandorla. A mandorla is an ancient symbol formed when two circles partially come together and create an almond shape overlap. The creator describes this space as a healing gateway. When you look at the cards, there is a particular element located withing this space which suggests a focal message. For example the dove in the 2 of Swords pictured above. Here, one possible interpretation is the need to make the choice that you know will ultimately bring you the greatest sense of peace. There are many more. Always seeking peace could be the very thing that is trapping us.

The Healing Light Tarot offers a modern take on the tarot and yet it taps into something powerful and primal. Maybe that’s because the people all appear in silhouette. I feel this urges us to tap into the shadow aspects of ourselves and encourages us to not hide the very essence of who we are beneath the surface. After all, these are the parts of ourselves we need to understand in order to heal and to ultimately be the most authentic versions of ourselves.
For me this isn’t an “every day” deck, albeit it is one I can see myself reaching for often. As is its intention, I believe it’s a healing deck and one that can really connect me with the aspects of myself I need to recognise, uncover and understand. One of the readings I did with this deck I felt was one of the single most life changing personal readings I have ever done. Can I guarantee it will do that for you – of course not. But, I didn’t expect it to do it for me at the time either.

The cards are printed on good gloss cardstock, thicker than many, but not too thick as to make them difficult to riffle shuffle. They measure 7 x 12cm, are borderless, and come packaged in a solid two-part box. On all the Major Arcana cards, their number is printed in Roman numerals at the top. The title is at the bottom. The court cards have their full title printed on the bottom as do the Aces. However, the rest of the Minor Arcana only have their number at the top of the card with no mention of their suite. For the most part the suits are obvious although some may prove a bit trickier for beginners not already familiar with the general card meanings. As someone with four versions of the Rider Waite Smith deck I really feel having that basis makes it easier to connect with and appreciate the nuances within other decks, including this one. I know many aren’t a fan of the RWS, but I’m with the many that are.

I want to say there’s a colour theme that runs through the suits but just as I think I’ve found one, another card contradicts my impression. Still, in some way, I feel one exists. The 8 and 10 of Cups pictured above suggest otherwise. This in fact adheres perfectly with the overall essence of the deck.
The Healing Light Tarot Book
The book is typical of Lo Scarabeo decks. Information is provided in five languages. Although, out of the 126 pages, 70 are in English which makes the others seem tokenistic rather than actual translations of the material. The book is card-sized, printed on smooth semi-gloss paper with a cardboard cover.
Whilst brief, the card meaning information is well put together. The card imagery is described for both the Major and Minor Arcana. This is great because it draws attention to details that may have been overlooked at first glance. The description is interwoven with the explanation of what the elements represent and their relevance to the reader. Card meanings are only provided for the upright presentation even though the card backs are reversible. However, within the card blurb there is much that can be drawn and expanded upon. Time and thought has been put into the booklet and I enjoyed reading through his ascribed meanings.

Three spreads are included in the English section of the book. Only two are provided in the other language sections.
- The Challenge (3 cards)
- The Relationship Mandorla (3 cards)
- The Cross (5 cards)
These are straightforward general spreads. The deck however is not. For me it helps you to go inside to uncover what it is that ails you. I believe the use of the mandorla is a masterstroke as it provides a clear point of focus. Nevertheless, whilst it is a strength, it can also become a weakness. Since it can focus the readers attention so powerfully, it can distract users from seeing and considering the big picture. In a way that provides a potent message in and of itself. We can become so focused on the seeking and the searching that we forget that the doing is just as, if not more, important. We need to incorporate whatever insights we glean into the bigger picture of our lives to gain any ongoing benefit from readings. All in all though I would say this is a wonderful deck that is probably more suited to those with some familiarity with tarot already.

Publishing Details
Deck Creator:
Christopher Butler
Pictured Version:
Published by Lo Scarabeo in 2017