• Tarot decks

    Tarot of the Divine

    In using deities, folklore, fairy tales, myths and legends from around the world, creator, Yoshi Yoshitani, believes “the Tarot of the Divine fosters appreciation of our differences and of the truth in our similarities.” Although, I believe, when combined with artwork and the structure of the tarot, these stories become truly universal and reflect our shared humanity more so than our differences. The nature of this deck ensures ethnic diversity but I think it shows that regardless of our ethnicity, our size, our age or our gender, for the most part, we all experience the events, emotions, and energies the tarot depicts, albeit in our own ways. My experience of…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot Cards of Modern Goddesses

    For starters, not many decks would feature XVI The Tower as its front of packaging image but Tarot Cards of Modern Goddesses does. It is definitely up front about what it is all about. It is an RWS inspired deck ‘created to celebrate the fearless spirit of women.’ This image of Kali serves as a reminder that we can decide what we preserve, destroy, or create. The creator, Cecilia Lattari, believes that ‘reflecting on the symbolism connected to the goddesses means reawakening their power.’ What I discovered is that this is a deck that talks to you as a friend. It shows you what you need to see and trusts…

  • Tarot decks

    Quantum Tarot Version 2.0

    The Quantum Tarot Version 2.0 has been sitting on my shelf for a while. Recently rewatching Interstellar and reading Andy Weir’s books, The Martian and The Hail Mary Project, primed me to work with this deck. Am I normally a sci-fi person? No. But, since I was engrossed by all three, maybe I am becoming one. The fact that The Martian and Interstellar are said to be highly scientifically accurate fascinates me. So, a deck that combines modern science with tarot was bound to do the same. It did. The Cards This deck is awe-inspiring. From the immensity of galaxies to the microscopic subatomic world this deck shares information about…

  • Tarot decks

    Chrysalis Tarot

    Chrysalis Tarot is a storyteller’s deck that took three and a half years to create. The time and effort taken to create it shows. Others agree. In 2014 it was awarded the Tarosophist Award for Best New Deck. I’m not sure how they decide the winner, but I didn’t read that this deck had won and think, “really??” because Chrysalis Tarot has a lot to offer. Covering a range of mythologies and focused on ‘alignment, mindfulness and attunement to the vibrations of life itself’ Chrysalis Tarot is a powerful self-reflective tool. And, I’m sure the stunning artwork and the well-researched and well-thought out book will appeal to many. The Chrysalis…

  • Oracle Decks

    Goddess Dream Oracle

    The Goddess Dream Oracle is a beautiful deck that aims to reconnect you with your intuition and who you really are. The imagery is soothing, gentle, powerful and inviting. It is a world I want to step into; a mindset available to us all. The Goddess appears in all Her forms. Here she is presented as ‘maiden of creativity, mother of love and crone of sacred wisdom.’ The Goddess Dream Oracle Deck The cards pictured above highlight the animals that feature prominently in this deck. They are all beautifully rendered and as such speak directly to you. You can feel them and their energy and therefore their messages are clear.…

  • Oracle Decks

    Earth Warriors Oracle

    The Earth Warriors Oracle encourages and supports those who wish to work with the collective consciousness. It aims to help “you tap into your creativity, courage and optimism so you can fulfil your Sacred purpose and make real and positive differences in your life and for the greatest good in our world.” Seems like a big aim but put simply, this deck asks us to open our hearts and minds and then take action on what we discover. And it urges us to heal ourselves. If we do that we are well and truly on our way to fulfil its ambitions. For those who take a multi-disciplinary approach, embracing spirituality,…

  • Tarot decks

    Tarot of the Sidhe

    The Tarot of the Sidhe is a very present deck. It helps you to see and to connect with the source of your thoughts and emotions and to understand how you’re bringing them to light. Therefore, I find they are great to use when I’m looking for guidance on the best way forward in the present moment. Better than that though, aligning with the Sidhe aligns us with our deepest and truest aspects. Identifying with these parts of ourselves enables us to present and embrace that self in our everyday lives. For me this isn’t a deck to help you plan what you may need to do in the future.…

  • Oracle Decks,  Tarot decks

    The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck

    If you really connect with the Animal Kingdom or you’d really like to work with Spirit Animals and Animal Totems then The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck Special Deluxe Box, which includes a full tarot deck plus 71, yes 71, animal oracle cards is well worth considering. It’s a well thought out and very generous set that can be used in so many ways. The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle Deck In a collection that includes 149 cards it’s hard to know where to begin. I’ve decided to simplify the process by beginning with the Tarot and then moving on to the Oracle. Yet, as I say that, I…

  • Tarot decks

    Runic Tarot

    As the name suggests, the Runic Tarot combines runes with tarot. Whilst it’s true that many decks incorporate runes, (Haindl Tarot, Pearls of Wisdom, and Light Seers Tarot to name just a few), the Runic Tarot is different in that it incorporates various rune systems. Thus the runes are a focal part of the cards. I pre-ordered this deck because I’ve wanted to increase my knowledge about runes for a while and this seemed a great way to do so. Now that it’s arrived, I look forward to letting the learning begin. The Runic Tarot Deck These cards are very dark in colouring and so at first they didn’t draw…

  • Tarot decks

    Haindl Tarot

    This evocative deck combines many different elements into a cohesive whole. Abounding in symbolism and drawing on different esoteric and religious traditions, the Haindl Tarot offers so much. I thought I’d like it; I didn’t expect to love it. It’s completely different to anything else I’ve worked with. It’s not a Rider Waite Smith or a Thoth clone, but from what I see I would say it’s definitely Thoth inspired. I’d add that it’s mythologically inspired too since that’s what drew me to it in the first place. The Haindl Tarot Deck Hmmm, where to begin? In a deck that incorporates so many aspects what do you give priority too?…